Want to get a hairpiece


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I am new to the board and have read many of these posts. Thanks for all the great information.

I am in my late 40's.

I don't know what my Norwood would be, but my hair is thinning on the top and my hairline is receding with a widows peak. I currently use Dermatch which works great on the crown and gives me a full and natural look on the top where the coverage is still decent. However, I want to act on the front before things start to get worse. My wife has suggested that I look into hair transplants, but I simply do not want to have my scalp cut into. Period. I really don't want to use drugs either orally or topically either. That leaves me looking at a frontal hairpiece. I have decided that I should do it now so that it looks gradual and can add on as the years progress.

I have read through this board,visited a national based center and a number of wig stores and local salons doing this type of work in the area. I have certainly learned alot.

I will not go with a national based center as the costs are just too high and they seemed to offer more than what I want or need at this time.

The wig stores seem to want to sell me a toupee with clips that I don't really want to deal with as the Dermatch give me total coverage over the top.

I have found two local salons that I am deciding on now with lower cost margins than a national center. Both suggested that I would do fine with a frontal hairpiece at this time and suggested I not do more than that for now. I will not attempt this myself as I have never cut my won hair and don't want to mess this up. One salon offers a lace based frontal system and the other offers a thin skin based system. It was explained to me that each would require that I have to shave a little bit of the front of the widows peak. The lace based system would be taped and the thin skin system would be bonded. I don't want to be taking it on and off every day.

I've gone from about 7 options down to 2. Any input from you all would be appreciated.
