Warning about penetration enhancing:


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If a topical goes down the pore, it primarily will affect that area. If you get penetration through the skin itself, and into the blood stream, you will get more systemic effects, in addition to penetrating the follicle from multiple directions.

Just because the scalp can get saturated does not mean it is no longer absorbing stuff. Saturation just means you can't increase the concentration, because the same amount that is going in is also leaving into the blood stream.

A high alcohol vehicle will put more minoxidil into the scalp than a high PG vehicle. But the PG vehicle is better because it does not evaporate, and gives a slower, longer dose that grows more hair. The high alcohol vehicle would probably give more systemic effects.

So think twice about trying to get more of a topical into your skin. There is a trade off.


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So, basically we need to stop mixing topicals with alcohol (I am guessing ethyl or Everclear) and substitute it with Propelyne Glycol?

Where do you get your PG?

Also, we don't want things penetrating all the way to the blood stream? Just through the scalp and into the hair follicles?

I am in no way shape or form a chemist, so lamens terms and simple english please :)


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CCS said:
A high alcohol vehicle will put more minoxidil into the scalp than a high PG vehicle. But the PG vehicle is better because it does not evaporate, and gives a slower, longer dose that grows more hair. The high alcohol vehicle would probably give more systemic effects.

This might be why I seem to be getting a good response to my mixture of minoxidil & goat's milk mousse. The treated area stays moist all day until I wash it off & reapply. I am also able to more thoroughly massage it in without the minoxidil evaporating within seconds.


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So, for all the people who pass through this thread looking for a the quick answer instead of hunting for the buried answers... which is what I wish people did in other threads.

Here is where I purchased 16oz of Propelyne Glycol also known as PG
http://www.buychemicalsdirect.com/Pure- ... -s/207.htm

Not sure where other people get theirs, as they have failed to mention thus far.....


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I said a HIGH alcohol vehicle is bad. I did not say alcohol is bad. And the minoxidil you buy already has PG in it, at 50%.

The link he posted is expensive, though maybe because of the high purity, which you want. I got my pg at www.chemistrystore.com. I hope it is pure enough since I've been using it a lot.

I'm sticking to the vehicle they had success with in many studies:
50% PG, 25% distilled water, 25% everclear. I could add a bit of glyerine too.

You will get more regrowth with a scalp roller and retin-A etc, but also more irritation and systemic effects. We all have different sensitivities.

Brains Expel Hair

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Many topicals are made with toxic chemicals that are used in very fine tuned amounts that are just enough to have their desired effects but not too much to cause serious health problems. That fine tuning completely assumes that you are using their product according to the recommended usage. When you artificially enhance penetration then you're running the risk of now getting those toxic chemicals into your system.