Wasted Years....


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To me, the most difficult aspect of hair loss to accept is that we as hair loss sufferers spend so much time fixated and focused on one aspect of our lives.... and in turn, life truly does pass us by. Even being aware of this, i still find myself falling in to the same level of thinking and i have to remind myself of this. I've also learned to recognize a trait i possess when i find myself reminiscing on the past and thinking "If only i could be in the same place i was a few years ago. Things were so much better then..." Sounds simple enough, but when i look back closely at the years gone by and remember the good WITH the bad, I realize that things weren't better then. I was obsessing about hair loss then.... and was far from happy. What this has helped me to realize is this - In a year or two, I'll surely be looking back on these times thinking the exact same thing. " If only, if only..." We all need to realize that we're living in the golden years. Let's make them count.


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Well stated, and i think over time as i've become more accepting i have been doing exactly that. Improving and concentrating on other aspects of life - whether it be hitting the gym, playing music, or working on improving my performance @ work. It's sort of a silver lining in the clouds.... as something positive is coming out of an unpleasant situation. And who knows... if one day in the distant future a method of reversing hair loss arrives, we'll be better people for it! :)


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Ditto bro! Jacked and tan.... Well, not so much the tan part.... lol. Never been a "tanning salon" kind of guy, but i am somewhat naturally tan so it works out. Just be careful what / if any BB supplements you're taking while getting 'jacked'... A lot of shady, fly by night supp companies out trying to make a quick buck with your health being the least of their concerns.