Watching Others Fu%k While Masturbating Is Actually A Very Disturbing Act


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It just got so normalized but we were just the first line of guinea pigs for a massive experiment. Gary Wilson in his famous talk said that never before had men access to so many women... and he's right to some extent. But there is a very dark side to this he does not capture.

Most p**rn and erotic movies don't show solo women. They show intercourse. This is very, very different. This is something men virtually never ever saw before, as sex was usually an extremely private thing. Now it's available for anyone to see in under 10 seconds.

The thing is nobody talks about perspective, but the perspective you have when watching p**rn/erotica is deeply, deeply disturbing - you are actually inside the room next to other people f*****g. Most p**rn movies show close-ups of actual intercourse and it's definitely not POV because of the angle. That means you're literally 2 or less feet away from a guy's junk and penetration itself. Sometimes the woman stares into the camera (at you), while she's being fu%ked by another guy.

The act is extremely emasculating, even if you don't realize it. It's actually the woman you're sexually interested in and the woman you're attracted to getting owned by another male. Evolutionarily that means you failed and he won. He gets to reproduce and you didn't. He got her, you didn't.

But now comes the even more disturbing part, you're actually masturbating. You're sitting there, "next" to them, masturbating. This is actually what a cuckold does and there are actual pictures out there of the whole trio: the two having sex and the guy next to them, focused on penetration and stroking himself. I don't want to make anyone break his streak but once you see those pics and realize that that man is actually you, no p**rn will ever be the same.

The usual answer is that "it's a movie and it doesn't count", but if you take a little bit of time you'll see that it does count because there is no other experience that is comparable and you will always have the same reaction to an act, whether you're next to it or you see it in a clip. Granted, seeing it in a clip dulls the experience and reaction but it's still the same experience and reaction. For example, seeing a guy kicking a cat in real life will most likely make you angry. Seeing the same event captured on film will also make you angry. You will not get angry in real life but celebrate if you see it on film.

Which is why you really need to take a step back and think if you'd ever accept sitting in a room next to another guy fu#king not just any woman but one you're sexually interested in, getting aroused, whipping your dick out, masturbating and ejaculating. While he gets off in/on her. And she watches you.


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I even masturbated in a club, while others had Sex and I even had Sex with a girl while an other guy masturbated and it wasn't disturbing to me. Just be open-minded, dont hate yourself and do what you want.


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But you're not and it's evident you're not.



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That's degenerate.

So if i f*** a goat but think of a woman, that's 100% fine then

as long as you dont tell me about it, and the goat seems to be enjoying it what do I care. But youre confusing consenting adults with barnyard animals that really cant talk nor consent so that seems to be a deeper issue to me.


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as long as you dont tell me about it, and the goat seems to be enjoying it what do I care. But youre confusing consenting adults with barnyard animals that really cant talk nor consent so that seems to be a deeper issue to me.

The deeper issues are:

1. that you think zoophilia is ok as long as you don't know about it

2. that you don't seem to understand the theoretical and logical implications of "it's imagination (so it's perfectly fine)". By your own logic f*****g a goat is fine if you think you're f*****g a woman. So is imagining you're f*****g a baby... totally fine.. it's imagination, right?


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The deeper issues are:

1. that you think zoophilia is ok as long as you don't know about it

2. that you don't seem to understand the theoretical and logical implications of "it's imagination (so it's perfectly fine)". By your own logic f*****g a goat is fine if you think you're f*****g a woman. So is imagining you're f*****g a baby... totally fine.. it's imagination, right?

Nothing about what you're saying is logical... Theoretical maybe. Imagination and reality are two very different things and you disregarded the entire second half of my comment that pointed out your delusion and disregard for real logic which is the distinction between consentual adults.
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Nothing about what you're saying is logical... Theoretical maybe. Imagination and reality are two very different things and you disregarded the entire second half of my comment that pointed out your delusion and disregard for real logic which is the distinction between consentual adults.

A woman accepts that her partner can have sex with her body after she dies. Consensual necrophilia. Totally fine for you, right?

You disregarded the part where your logic fails of "it's imagination so it doesn't matter". Which is why you should be totally fine with a man having sexual fantasies with a 2 yo.. since it's also just fantasy and it's not affecting the child.


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A woman accepts that her partner can have sex with her body after she dies. Consensual necrophilia. Totally fine for you, right?

You disregarded the part where your logic fails of "it's imagination so it doesn't matter". Which is why you should be totally fine with a man having sexual fantasies with a 2 yo.. since it's also just fantasy and it's not affecting the child.

If someone's lady dresses in a school girl outfit with a giant lollipop is that bad? Your wording is very bad (maybe due to a language barrier) but having sexual fantasies "with" would mean he is is actively having current relations with a child, thats bad. If someone is fantasizing about sex with children the guys is a pedophile and needs mental help but If hes not acting out any fantasies then what can you do. Once those fantasies hit reality there is a problem. If there is a consenting woman/man who wants to dress up in kid clothes and play pretend with another adult then there really is nothing wrong. Its voyeurism.

when you have p**rn its two consenting adults (or more) who know what its for and a consenting adult watching it. there are men and women who play out rape fantasies. Is that bad? I dunno, who am I to judge, I think its weird..... but theyre adults. Do you drink? Do you smoke? These actions rot certain parts of your bodies, they cause more problems than p**rn ever could, would you go on a tirade against drinking and smoking the same way?

As for youre necrophilia thing, again Im not the one to judge right and wrong, if its fine with me or you. You and I are not the judge of whats fine with society, only us and the same things applies. I would find it really weird and gross, wouldnt go have drinks with the guy after but Id more than likely ignore it and let the weirdos do what they want so long as no one is being hurt or forced. Then again there are people who might think watching p**rn is weird. Dont know what to tell you.

Also comparing p**rn to necrophilia is a massive stretch.

This brings me to another topic though Ive brought up to people. Pedos are probably bottom of the barrel. But we look at the situation very odd compared to other things. They say people who do this are usually previous victims of it themselves and programmed into this behavior yet as opposed to some other aspects of debauchery these are possible "victims" we still vilify (with just reasoning most often) but wouldnt it be more beneficial to maybe start offering help to people who HAVE these urges but havent actually committed any acts? In the end we might be able to study them and see what makes this part of the brain tick, even turn it off. The problem is though if anyone ever came out looking for help, society would more than likely attack them over giving them the help they want. I remember watching (I think) a vice video about this a while ago. There were two guys who admitted they had the urges, they hated it and wanted help. You then went to the comment section and it was nothing but "burn them", "throw them in jail now" etc etc. Its funny how society operates on certain things.


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As for youre necrophilia thing, again Im not the one to judge right and wrong, if its fine with me or you. You and I are not the judge of whats fine with society, only us and the same things applies.

"Necrophilia is acceptable" - Swingline747

There's no point in having this discussion if you have no standards whatsoever. No wonder society gets more and more degenerate when there are more and more spineless people like you who don't want to have a stance on anything.


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"Necrophilia is acceptable" - Swingline747

There's no point in having this discussion if you have no standards whatsoever. No wonder society gets more and more degenerate when there are more and more spineless people like you who don't want to have a stance on anything.

great way to cherry pick portions of a quote lol, youll make a great alt left writer someday for places like DailyBeast. I wont waste my time on stances that mean nothing to me, if its not costing me money, and between two consenting adults, I really dont care. Right now Id like to take a stance on moronic posts created by obviously weird dudes with deep seeded sexual issues looking for some kind of comradery. Its like watching a secretly gay dude go out and gay bash with his football buddies.

I ESPECIALLY love how you put the quotations around that phrase like its a direct quote of what I said, as if people cant go back and look for themselves..... you re tar d


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if its not costing me money, and between two consenting adults, I really dont care

Just like I said, the true mark of a spineless person that doesn't want to have a stance on anything.

Yes, for you, because of your stance, necrophilia is acceptable. You have an issue with that statement? Does that contradict anything you said? No, it doesn't. It's just bothering you because it's the straightforward statement that you're trying so hard to dodge.

It's interesting and funny that someone who has those beliefs tries to lecture other people.


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Just like I said, the true mark of a spineless person that doesn't want to have a stance on anything.

Yes, for you, because of your stance, necrophilia is acceptable. You have an issue with that statement? Does that contradict anything you said? No, it doesn't. It's just bothering you because it's the straightforward statement that you're trying so hard to dodge.

It's interesting and funny that someone who has those beliefs tries to lecture other people.

You are a lost person, who am i trying to lecture? You asked a question and i answered, your the one lecturing. And i have plenty of stances but they're usually on things that matter.


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You are a lost person, who am i trying to lecture? You asked a question and i answered, your the one lecturing. And i have plenty of stances but they're usually on things that matter.

Sure man, like you said, necrophilia doesn't matter. Totally fine to do it.


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Sure man, like you said, necrophilia doesn't matter. Totally fine to do it.

Yup super fine, those were my exact words, you got some weird hang ups and given that NO ONE in either of your odd threads agrees with you I'd say your just plain wrong.