Water Retention / Facial Bloating from minoxidil


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Hello all - this is actually my first post although I've been reading extensively on the forums for some time now.

It seems like its a relatively undiscussed, yet highly disturbing side effect of minoxidil, as the other facial issues (racoon eyes, wrinkles) seem to be more easily treatable with creams, facial products, etc...

Anyhow, i started 5.0% minoxidil today, applied a good amount (prob 1+ cap) to my temples and crown after showering and towel / blow drying fairly dry. I can't tell if this is me being paranoid, but i feel like my place is a little swollen already / my face is slightly irritated. I probably applied a bit too much.

Does anyone know if this side effect occurs immediatly or over time? I've gathered that putting in a dry scalp with help. And of course, also using less will help.

Clearly if i have a bad reaction, i will cut back to just using at night on a 100% dry scalp or quitting completely.

Thank you in advance - these forums have already been a tremendous help to me.