I think it matters... there is no scientific evidence that suggests hair products like gel and wax make you lose your hair.
I personally used to use a lot of hairstyle products, and I attribute them to speeding up my hairloss. I know I would of lost my hair regardless, but I am almost positive that it sped up my hairloss. Same thing happened with my cousin. He had a great thick full head of hair, started using wax everyday to spike his hair and started losing it, now he's losing it a lot. Then there is my roommate and another cousin of mine, they both use murrays wax, and both have the fullest thickest heads of hair. So I guess it's all relative, if your gonna lose your hair, the wax and gel doesn't help, but if you don't see any male patterned hair loss in your family, you could probably use it with no problem.
But personally I suggest using it sparingly, kinda like only if your going out, not like an everyday thing. AND/OR when you do apply it, don't apply too much(less is more), AND/OR use products that have less harsh chemicals and "more natural ingrediants." I know crew makes some good styling products, I think I read some threads on here in the past on good styling products