We lost a great head of hair this week


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Thank you Ronny for:

Iran/Contra Scandal

Manipulating the 1980 election by secretly and illegally trading TOW missiles to Iran for hostages

Demonizing the poor by telling vicious and racist lies about the recipients of welfare

Selling chemical weapons of mass destruction to Saddam Hussein

Training Osama Bin Laden how to take down a Superpower-Russia (oops)

Building a 2 trillion dollar debt, interest rates to 17%, driving poverty up to 33%

Allowing AIDS to completely burn out of control, calling it a “gay cancerâ€￾

Residing over the largest tax cut for the wealthy, while raising FICA taxes on those making less than 80K/year

Deregulated corporations so that our news information is filtered through elitist corporations, mainly G.E-a huge beneficiary of the war.

The Savings and Loan scandal, which cost the American people hundreds of billions of dollars because of his decision that the foxes would be fine guards in the henhouse.

Actively supported the regimes of the worst people ever to walk the earth. Names like Marcos, Duarte, Rios Mont and Duvalier who were responsible for tens of thousands of deaths of innocent people.

Supported those in South Africa who believed apartheid was the proper way to run a civilized society. Screw Nelson Mandela, that psychopath.

138 Reagan administration officials were convicted, indicted or investigated for misconduct and/or criminal activities. Contrast that with that unethical Clinton administration: after the 48 million dollar Ken Starr investigation they found he lied about sex.

Okay, he sucked as a president, but I still think we should put that great head of hair on the $10 bill!

RIP Ronny

The Gardener

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Great. Now you've done it, JesusFreak. This post will keep things in a rapid simmer all day long....


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So far, this thread is pure beauty.

But someone is gonna come in here, go off on this and pop a vein for sure.

Anyways, thanks for the great post, Jesus Freak. BTW, your avatar rocks. Lets put Kurt on the $10 bill instead. Ronnie Ray-gun can have the $3 bill.


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Jesus Freak ,

I do agree with you that Ronald Reagan conducted many shameful and awful acts and mislead and deceived the American populace. One example is the fact that you alluded to that he was in bed with some of the dictators of the Middle East (Osama and Saddam).

I personally believe that a bald man would have never led the country so underhandedly as did the full of head of hair Reagan.

The Gardener

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Well, I am not a big Reagan fan, but I'll step to the mic here and defend him.

Do any of you folks who say sh*t about him remember the state this country was in back in 1979? This place was a shithole.

Inflation was out of control, as were interest rates. Unemployment was OVER 10%! Now, when unemployment is over 5% as it was during the current Bush downswing we all talk about it like it is a major emergency and that the economy is in the shitter. Our cities were racked with violence, especially New York City. NYC was no mans land back then, you'd have better odds in Bogota than on an NYC subway in some areas.

It took some common sense and some strong leadership, no matter what particular flavor that leadership had, to drag us back into the 20th century and that is exactly what Reagan did. God bless him.


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ok, JesusFreak, let me ask you what Clinton did for the good of the county?

Oh yea, thats right, he turned a blind eye to Osama so he could his finish his oval office blow job. And when he wasnt getting blown by fat interns, he was letting a million Ruwandans get slaughtered, and not doing a damn thing about it.

How about Jimmy Carter, lets talk double digit inflation and interest rates, how the hell did he manage that? I guess he was too busy eating peanuts and drinking "Billy Beer" . I guess he reallydidnt care too much about Pol Pott slaughtering the sh*t out of a million Cambodians.

How about that wonderfully flawed Iran hostage escape plan? Nice going Jimmy...

Two examples of horrible f*****g presidents!

And why should Ronnie care about homos butt f*****g, its their problem, they asked for it when they went down the old dirt road.
Its about taking resonsibility for yourself. Oh yea youre a liberal ,that means you thinks the govt should hold your peter, and wipe your ***

This counrty wasnt built on entitlement programs and crack w****s wanting more hand outs so we can fund their little rug rats, it wasnt built on gangsta pimps or trailer trash. Its about working your *** off, paying your taxes, saving your money, and taking responsibility for your own actions.

I guess you want us to all feel sorry for your little "idle" Kurt because he blew his freakin brains out, poor little heroin infested rock star, just breaks my heart.....yea he did a hell of a lot more than Reagan for this country (lol)

Im more concerened about women getting breast cancer and finding a cure for that horrible disease that they did not do anything to get.

Im concerend about hard working men and women who lost there jobs to foreign competition.

About alternative sources of fuel, like we should have been doing in the seventies so we can tell OPEC to kiss our ***.

Clinton, Johnson, Nixon, Carter...Couldnt carry Reagans jock...

And no Im not a Republican, so dont go there, its called Libertarianism, self responsibility without the govt sticking there nose in everything I do and taxing the sh*t out of me for it.

The Gardener

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... and with that begins the great Fourth World War here on HairLossTalk.com dot com ...


ColtsFan you sound like a terrible c*nt, am I wrong?

something about your posts tells me you married young.



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ok, JesusFreak, let me ask you what Clinton did for the good of the county?

I remember that there was a great economic growth under the Clinton administration.

(1)Im concerend about hard working men and women who lost there jobs to foreign competition.

(2)And no Im not a Republican, so dont go there, its called Libertarianism,

(1)+(2)= ouch



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HMM I did not know that this forum was for political opinions. No matter what president we talk about we could follow all of his success with scandals and failure. By the way JesusFreak, have you ever studied economics and debt? By your post I doubt it.


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Chujgcha said:
ColtsFan said:
About alternative sources of fuel, like we should have been doing in the seventies so we can tell OPEC to kiss our ***.

It's about time we stop sucking saudi pump. "Hydrogen is too dangerous" "It would take years to lay out the infrastructure" - KISS MY REDNECK ***. LETS SHUT UP AND DO IT.

What about first thinking about how oil consumption could be reduced? Why are the US not taking their own oil ressources (I mean the ones in their own country)?

Coltsfan (the name says it all) I really don't want to offend you but you reject your own statements implicitely. First think, then write.



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This post is absolute horseshit!!! Sure the guy had his faults he was a politician but he has done a better job than any president in the last 30 years and then some, Nixon? Carter? Bush? Bush jr? Cliton? come on.

I for one lived pretty damn good in the eighties the middle class eighties as did all of you. Plenty of jobs, good prosperity, hair bands, hot bimbos, the invention of Minoxidil for hairloss etc... I have very fond memories of my 80's high school days- which by the way have not been repeated.

Reagen is the one man responsible for ending the cold war and for that alone we should be grateful.


Reagen is the one man responsible for ending the cold war and for that alone we should be grateful.

..well him and Gorbachov....



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flux said:
someone is gonna come in here, go off on this and pop a vein for sure.
Why am I not suprised it was ColtsFan? :p


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My fave is how the loony leftists blame Reagan for the AIDS. The guy was a total square, put the credit where it belongs - the irresponsible sexual practices so loved by the hippie gen. Besides, it ain't like Crinton came in to office and cured AIDS in the first 100 days.

I'm also a childern of the 80s and frickin loved'em! Them were good times.

Reagan is the only prez I've ever actually seen BTW. when i was around 12ish went to DC, we were standing outside the Cap. building and the gip drove by. nifty, huh???
And hey, i no repub either, more of an anti-dem libertarian here. I go around bonking dems on the head with a wooden gavel i got just for that purpose. it's got "hammer of justice" engraved on it you know.