We Should Ask This Guy To Help Us Find A Cure


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I like his approach, we need someone crazy enough if we don't want to wait a century for a solution.

"“I kind of have this motto now that if everyone believes something, then I should research the opposite,” he explained to me later"

"Last year, he made headlines for undertaking his own DIY fecal transplant in an attempt to treat stomach issues that had for years been giving him hell. At the time, experts said the chance that it would do anything other than make him seriously ill was essentially zero. Zayner says it worked. Independent lab sequencing done after the procedure found that the bacterial makeup of his own fecal matter had become more similar to that of his donor, and the state of his bowel movements drastically improved"

If only we had someone as competent, proactive, fearless, crazy, passionate and urgently trying to find some cure for hairloss.

Plus he gives 0 f*** about legality.
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“We explore and you call us criminals,” he read, quoting the manifesto. “We exist without skin color, without nationality, without religious bias, and you call us criminals. You build atomic bombs, you wage war, you murder, cheat, lie to us and try to make us believe it’s for our own good, yet we’re the criminals.”

love it. i’m glad he’s feeling better after his do-it-yourself feces transplant.

Michael Harrop

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If only we had someone as competent, proactive, fearless, crazy, passionate and urgently trying to find some cure for hairloss.
Funny you should say that.... I contacted Josiah Zayner back when I saw that article published. I didn't get a response. Since then, I've set out to find highly effective stool donors for FMT (fecal microbiota transplant). I would say that I'm very much "competent, proactive, fearless, passionate", possibly even a bit crazy, and definitely urgently trying to find a cure. The problem is that I've largely been unable to get any support & help.

A year or so ago, someone offered me $200 million for a stool donor good enough to cure hair loss, but they weren't interested in helping me find such a donor.

These blogs sum up the situation: https://www.humanmicrobes.org/blog. The last two in particular.

Educational material: https://humanmicrobiome.info/intro/#alopecia-hair-loss - FMT & the gut microbiome are promising, not only for hair loss, but for most chronic conditions.

Microbiome discussion forum: https://forum.humanmicrobiome.info/