We Should Take A Moment To Be Thankful..

Goldee Lox

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That we live in a time where we have options to combat things. Hairloss, disease.. you name it.

It's still frustrating fighting things, but we have more options these days than ever before.. then again, things are more complex as well. Ze yin and the the yang. Maybe some things are easier, but others that much harder :/ Total mind f***.

Goldee Lox

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It's been the same pig schlock treatment for the past 20 years.

The knowledge isn't the same.. you have the net and info more readily available. You're able to find products, product reviews, doctors, doctor reviews, before and after photos.. Even if the "Main" treatments are basically the same, you have much more access to what's good or what's not. You're able to discuss experimental drugs, dosages, topicals, custom topicals... don't give me that "it's the same sh*t" sh*t. FAR from it. We are advancing, whether you see it or not.

Transplant surgery is definitely advancing well beyond what it was 20 years ago.

20 years ago you would be crying in your basement with no HairLossTalk.com for therapy.

..and 20 years ago is not to what I was referencing.. I'm talking about pre modern era.
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That we live in a time where we have options to combat things. Hairloss, disease.. you name it.

It's still frustrating fighting things, but we have more options these days than ever before.. then again, things are more complex as well. Ze yin and the the yang. Maybe some things are easier, but others that much harder :/ Total mind f***.
I'm still waiting for something that actually regrows lost hair that doesn't effect hormones - but I'm not sure it is even possible.

Goldee Lox

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I'm still waiting for something that actually regrows lost hair that doesn't effect hormones - but I'm not sure it is even possible.

There will be no absolute "cure" any time soon, if ever... Maybe advanced gene therapy in the future can solve it.


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cure to kill your dick

nice one!