Wearing A Hat Post hair transplant? Minimize Redness?


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  1. So I have decided to go through with my 1700 graft FUE early next year with Rahal.

My main concern is the redness in the recipient area.

My question for all the hair transplant vets, is when is it going to be safe to wear a loose fitting or normal fitting hat to cover the redness?

Also, are there tips to minimize the redness?

I plan on taking 2-3 weeks off work. However I am very fair skinned.


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If you are worried about the grafts they set pretty quickly, I would wait from wearing a hat for a week if you can. I was cautious with mine as it is better safe than sorry. Also for the first 4 to 5 days I was spraying on GraftCyte Concentrated Spray to keep the grafts moist.

With the redness you never know, some people have much more than others. If you take care of your scalp really well at the start it should lower it. I have seen some horrible looking photos of people letting it dry out without washing and full of scabs.


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It took me about 3 months for the pinkness to fade away. Just avoid sunlight at all costs cause it will screw with the pigment while your skin heals and it can be permanent. Your grafts should be fully attached by the 10th day. After that wearing a loose fitting hat shouldn't be an issue.

privileged. took me six.

Day 9 grafts are fully anchored according to Dr. Bernstein in a graft pull study that he conducted.

no tips to minimize redness, just time...... (healing)

I would avoid wearing a hat for the first 5-6 days though.

first 48-72 are most critical, after that you are pretty much safe......

Keep the grafts moist with ATP spray.

Day 9 is when I took a normal shower touching my scalp. Also had a hair cut to blend my donor, and sides with the top.


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My Regimen
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I cannot wait to get my transplant


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The build up to surgery can be really intense. A lot of people feel intense relief and elation on the day of surgery. The hard part for most people comes after when dealing with the ugly duckling phase and the waiting.