Weening off Rogaine?


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Hey everyone, I have a quick question. I've been using propecia for about 6 months now, and 3 months on rogaine/nizoral (I didn't have access to rogaine when I started on propecia due to location). Despite a lot of other claims, I've only been using rogaine 5% liquid once a day. I've used propecia every day, and nizoral once every few days.

Honestly, my results have been incredible. My mother, who is a hairstylist and hasn't seen me in 6 months couldn't stop talking about it. There's only one problem: dandruff. It's everywhere. And I hate it. Part of me wishes I had waited longer to see if my results were mostly from propecia or rogaine (or both), but now I'm here with a ton of dandruff.

Do you guys think I'll lose a lot of hair weening off of rogaine, I mean I only use it once a day and only use 1 mL, so it can't have that much of an effect right? I was thinking going once every other day, then every third day, changing every week until I eventually don't use it at all.

What do you all think?

Also, I realized I've been taking 2.5mg of propecia, and I'd like to get down to 1mg, the only problem is I have 5mg tablets and trying to split it into 4 just makes the tablet just kind of explode into powder. Do y'all have any suggestions?


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You can buy pill splitters at any pharmacy.
Its hard to say, you may get some shedding from quitting min. I'd say your options are to switch to foam, which is way less likely to cause dandruff.
Or just quit min cold turkey. Its only been 3 months and chances are most of your results are from finasteride.