Weird minoxidil case (problems with irritation).


My Regimen
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Hello everyone,

I have been on minoxidil for almost 4 years and have always struggled with build up and scalp irritation. Every brand of minoxidil that is intended for the European market and mass production, name it and I tried + Lipogaine and Equate. By the way foam does not work for me, I've tried it and I get no results at all. But all liquid formulas, does not matter if they are low PG/NO PG/strong formulas give me those problems.

Earlier this year I wondered how I could have been so stupid that I didn’t realize that the first ''brand'' of minoxidil I used didn’t give me any problems, but I stopped using it simply due to the fact that it was expensive. Minoxidil was made and mixed at my local pharmacy. After re-purchasing and using It for a few weeks, all those problems disappeared again. After consuming one bottle, I wondered what would happen if I visited another pharmacy now - this time the one in my grandmother’s town and asked if they could mix the solution too. To my surprise, they did. So I went ahead and bought a 100ml bottle. After 2 weeks of using that minoxidil I still don’t have any irritation.

On every single bottle of all those famous brands, and even less popular brands same ingredients are written. How could it be that they give me irritation but solutions made by local pharmacies give me no irritation at all? Should I mention that they are not greasy and yellow, and that they dry quite quickly?

Greasy, yellowish, slow drying solutions such as Kirkland are by far the worst for me.


My Regimen
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Ask the local pharmacy the exact ratios and ingredients used. Then compare them with the other minoxidil solutions and post here so we can compare and really see what is the cause.
Other brands actually give that information? Cannot find it anywhere.


My Regimen
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There was no way I could get information at my pharmacy so I decided to buy another cheap brand of minoxidil that comes with a spray nozzle, 3 60ml bottles cost around € 16 (which is around $ 18). This brand I bought also dries very quickly, by quickly I mean literally within 3 minutes, plus the solution is clear and thin. I have been using it for 3 days and so far I still have no signs of irritation that I normally get with other brands

I believe I was able to pinpoint exactly what the problem actually was. The longer it takes for the minoxidil to dry, the thicker, greasy and yellowish the solution, the more irritation there is.
It is also worth noting that my shedding has drastically decreased as I have been able to find a solution that does not irritate my scalp.

PG is usually the root cause of this problem, but even NO PG minoxidil (sensitive) causes irritation and flakes that are so bad that it is impossible to use. I used sensitive Lipogaine and Foligain, both were a disaster.