Weird/Mysterious natural treatment


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I found this on youtube:

The guy name is: Gererd Vakeskov.
Google don't tell much, it just links to Google+ profile and to this movie OR to movies that 'proxy' to youtube

Comment goes (I added some paragraphs):

oh my god to anyone thinking of using minoxidil, DONT DO IT, it works for a while then it STOPS WORKING, i have used minoxidil for over 4 years ( yes i used lipogaine if your wondering) and in the first year it regrew my hair then my hair started going away slowly to the point that minoxidil copmpletly stoped working,

then i try a natural method that my grandmother told me and i have 70% of my hair back in the past 3 months,

here is a list of cheap items that you need and you can find them in your local store, and also how and when to use them,first get some emu oil and castor oil, mix them together in a bottle, mix them both 50/50 if you know wat i mean.

Also get yourself some freash garlic and ginger, grind up the ginger first and squeez the juice out of it using a cloth after you grind it up, do the same with the garlic except after grinding the garlic put the the ginger juice in the grinded garlic and THEN squeez the juice out of the garlic, you can put this mixture in the fridge and it can last up to a month or longer...

so make it in bulk, you will also need cyanne peper and apple cyder vinager, and finally get an all natural shampoo, now all these ingredientsare actully very cheap, now il tell you how to apply them, put the garlic and ginger juice on effected areas and rub it in nicely, leave this on for 2 hours and then mix together a 1 TEA spoon of cyanne pepper and 2 TABLE spoons of apple cyder vinager, apply this on and leave for one hour...this should sting the scalp...

if it stings its a good thing, so in total you put on the garlic ginger for 2 hours and then the apple cyder vineger for one hour and then wash your hair with a one lite of water that has a table spoon of baking soda and then dry your hair, use the oil mixture at night before bed, put it on a few minutes before going the sleep and

when you wake up wash it off with the all natural shampoo also put 1 table spoon of lavender and rosmerly oil in your shampoo-this helps to get rid of the smell from the garlic and ginger and vinager.

and thats all you have to do, it seems like a lot but really you only need 3 hours out of your day, you could be in your house chillin and do this, do this 6 days a week and take one day off but on the day off just put the oil mixture before bed, try it for 2 weeks and you will thank god!

trust me, your shedding will be the same or a bit less but the hair regrowth will be much faster then the shedding, good luck and if you have any questions just holla!

hair regrowth is actually easy but the media just brain washes everyone as always


hey salam!, i was thinking about doing a video but honestly i cudnt be bothered lol,

i dont have proper befor and after pictures because at first i didnt think it would work because i tryed sooo many other products and **** with no result so i though this would be the same but then 2 weeks later there was a big difference!,

its kind of an everyday thing, you have to do the tretment as long as you want to keep your hair

to be honest unless your hair fall is very moderate then you only have to put emu and castor oil befor bed at night and shampoo in the morning, this can be done after the regrowth treatment, or if your hair fall stops completly then you can stop the tretment altoghether,

im doing scalp excerises to stop hair loss for good, and hopfully inshallah it works out then it should be fine and i dont have to do the tretment anymore,

and since your a girl i would recomment that when you wash your hair you only shampoo once a day max and if you want to wash of the garlic and ginger juice then just do it with plain water,

im saying this because girls have long hair and its easy to damage the hair like that ,

i hope this helps if you have any more questions just give me a shout.

hi , just to add a note for some information, to help speed up the hair regrowth process you should do plenty of execsise to get more cologin production in the body, this really sppeds up hair growth

by the way try a homiopathic remedie called senicula aqua 200, and take one dose a day for a week, it should stop your hair fall and dont take it more then 2 weeks, homeopathic remidies are all natural so theres no side effects
{homeopathic ?}


When I firstly read this I was pessimistic, but then I started about how I killed Candida fungi on tongue - using Sauerkraut.

Any ideas?


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