Weird question


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Do you guys have varicose veins on your penis? Especially when erect that's when it's most noticeable as skins stretches out? Because I'm noticing I have kind of a lot and I'm wondering if this is the first stage of penile shrinkage from finasteride.

I've been on finasteride for almost a year no problem. I'm just noticing the varicose veins now. Not sure if I am crazy maybe they've always been there.

Is penile shrinkage possible? Because I have no other side effects my sperm is thick and I still have a really high sex drive so if I don't have those sides I don't see why I would have more severe ones.


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The odds are they have always been there I wouldn't worry to much. But always consult your doctor


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Hey sorry sorry sorry I am an idiot I didn't mean varicose ha just like blood vessels lol. I don't know why that word was floating in my head when I wrote this. Varicose veins are like exploded blood vessels I don't have that.

I do have like thin, red blood vessels and I'm hoping they've always been there and it's not a sign of tightening or thinning of penile tissue.