Weird tingling


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Is this normal? I get a strange tingling in one section of my scalp and then I pull gently on this section of my hair and I get a couple hairs in my hand. I am 21. My hair is gradually thinning out but my parents refuse to believe me and act like I am being ridiculous. Still, it is obvious that my hairline isn't what it used to be and that you can see through ot my scalp. Also, some parts of my hair are getting very widely dispersed and the hairs are "little." I just don't understand why my parents refuse to see that I am starting to lose my hair.


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I was actually just about to post something about this :shock: I'm having this awesome senstation whenever I tug certain sections of my hair, it feels so good and so relieving it's unbelievable. But I'd ALSO like to know what this is. It's only a recent phenomenon for me.


I have that all the time, normally around the front part of the scalp. Maybe it's new hairs breaking through. Or bad hairs breaking lose....

The Gardener

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tourdeforce, you really need to start using Nizoral shampoo, ASAP! Use it 2-3 times a week, let it sit in 3-4 mins before rinsing out. It should help kick the itching, and break a spiral cycle that scalp irritation has in influencing hair loss. If Nizoral doesn't work or if it irritates you further after a month or so of trying it, then recheck back here and we can recommend a T-Gel/T-Sal alternative.


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I know exactly what you mean. Ive been getting that feeling alot, my hair has turned really bad over the last few months, my long hair used to be long and think now its still pretty long but it looks weak and thin.

Ive tried using Nizoral and Tgel but still cant get rid of the itch, ive even tried to cut it down a bit incase i was using it too much, i.e. every third day. When i give my hair a tug a few hairs come out too.

I started finasteride a few weeks back but just feel it must be something more, my head feels like its burning in places where im losing alot.

One word gutted.


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On the same topic, when you rinse the shampoo out of your hair, do you get a wild tingling sensation just in the top portion of your scalp? It's like the extreme light jostling and tugging of the hair excites this incredible response from my scalp, but nowhere else on my head but the male pattern baldness affected area. It feels incredible, but at the same time it won't go away with continued "playing" with my hair. It's a constant tingling sensation when I run my hands through my hair.