welcome to my life


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seriously as if having male pattern baldness and having to go through taking pictures and depressing myself with them every month by looking at my hair loss so plainly wasnt enough.....but now my sister deleted my god damn picture files!! i was waiting till month 6 to post them all at once and havent done it yet now all of them are friggin gone! no progress monitoring no way of knowing if my hairs gettin better....f-in a


Even if your pictures have been deleted from your hard drive, they will still exist untill a file is written over them, the only thing that is really deleted when a file is thrown away is its 'header' in your hard drives directory.

Think of it like this:

if you had a cassette tape of last weeks Top 40 chart,

and you wanted to record next weeks Top 40 chart over the top of this,

you would not have to blank the tape first, all you would have to do is peel the sticker off that says 'marsbtchsx's Top 40' put a new one on that says 'blank' and you are ready to go

........but crucially untill you hit 'record' the old Top 40 is still there.

So unless they have been written over, your deleted photos are still on your hard drive just not listed in your directory, to retrieve them try software like Norton Utilities which will rescue trashed files.

Obviously the more recent the deleting, the better the success rate, as less of the hard drive would have been written over by new files.



Senior Member
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He's very very right :)

Edit: The reason it's best to do it right away, is because things like swap space or temporary files can easily take this space, and probably will if given the chance. So even if nothing's been installed or written to the drive by yourself or sister in recent memory, things like this can cause problems. GET IT BACK ASAP!


They are both right you know.....

When you delete a file it's not officialy deleted. It still remains on the PC until something else overwrites these files.

I don't want to sound a total *** fool, but have you checked your trash folder. If you have not changed the default settings then chances are they are sitting in there.

Otherwise as the other two guys say. You will need some software to get them back...


Established Member
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yea i kno its not totaly gone and i did check my recycle bin....theyre nowhere to be found....but lets say im completely retarded and dont kno anything about software like that and dont have norton anti virus or utilities....where can i get a program to get those files back?...somethin free


Established Member
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hey thanks for tryin but it didnt work...somethin about the file not being suited to run on windows....any other programs anybody kno of?


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Try googling PC Inspector File Recovery. I downloaded that program about 6 months ago after deleting a bunch of files accidentally, and it was free and worked for most of the files. If you can't find the program, just google file recovery programs or something and you should find another free one. Good luck!


Established Member
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pc inspector file recovery worked i found a crap load of files that were "deleted" even over a year ago....but the few pictures i need to recover are no where to be found...figures....thanks a lot for tryin guys


Experienced Member
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Go ahead and start posting the photos, the one you have. It may happen again and this time you may not get it back this time.


Established Member
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yea...well theres none of them left but ill def start posting the ones i take from now on


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may sound like a stupid q but maybe they weren't deleted but moved. did you try searching for the files?