Well here we go, Giving the RU bandwagon a shot


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Hello All,

I did post this on the irish pride ru58841 thread, before it got switched off, but luckily one of the moderators got my post back! Anyways this is pretty much where i am with my whole hair loss battle so far.

Ive had a similar experience as Irish with propecia, ive tried it last year and stopped, not for any particular reason apart from i just let it slip, and kept forgetting to take it, mind you i was stoned nearly every night which didnt help, but never had any bad reaction to it. How ever i started taking it at the begining of this year and about 6-8 weeks in noticed a huge diffuse shed. which slowed but continued. it's now been 2 weeks since ive kicked the propecia as im sure it's done alot of damage to my hair line. i think ive lost about 1cm, and the hair that grows back in it's place are fine, white/colourless hairs. Im not sure how long vellus hairs can grow to but some of these must be about 4-5 cm long, white others stuggle to get to 1cm. The hair density all over my scalp is now quite poor.

Thing is the hair that used to be there was long terminal hairs (about 6 inches in length which is where they are cut, so they would have been longer) that have fallen out and gone stright to these hairs? which does seem a bit strange.

Another thing i have noticed is that with alot of the hairs that have fallen out, the bottom 1cm to 1 inch of the hair has gone colourless, like its just gotten so far and then decided to go un-pigmented. not every single hair that i find is like this, although i reckon about 70% of them show this trait. This has only happened on this period of Propecia, didnt get this last year. Any idea what this is about?

I have also found hairs which seem to have grown in with no pigment, and after looking at my scalp (for many many hours) with a digital microscope, alot of the hair around my hairline, back of my ears, and nape seem to be going white'ish, or growing back as these white hairs. Again im not sure if they are vellus or not, as some of them are about the same thickness as the hair around them, which are terminal. This is happening all over my scalp but is much more concentrated to my hairline, ears, and nape.

I have also noticed this with my arm, leg and body hair, has started to go un-pigmented (mainly arm and leg hair) and in sunlight my arms look all *sparkaly* for a lack of a better word :p and the fine vellus body hair seems to be growing longer then it did before.

I've found one and so far, only one, terminal hair on a part of my abdomen / side where there never used to be any dark or pigmented hair. I am thinking this is some kind of reflex hyperandrogenism (if thats what its called). This along with a K.O'ed sex drive,hairline damage, and a bit *too* much fat around the chest made me throw in the towel on propecia.

If it is reflex Hyperandrogenism is this perminant or will my system go back to normal? I've only been on propecia for 3 months and 1 week before quitting.

All of these negative effects ive experienced i never had a problem with last year (i was on it for about 5 months, no serious shedding, and no hairline damage or gyno). Now, in regards to the hair line, i know testosterone can do more damage there for some people, and lower DHT (or 5ar) meant higher testosterone (correct me if im wrong btw). However, on new years day i made a resolution to kick all my bad habits, mainly taking drugs (of the illegal kind) and just went cold turkey on everything apart from smoking (ciggerettes) and drink. I read somewhere that weed lowers the amount of testosterone in your system, which could be why my hairline didnt really suffer last year when i was `blazing` every night, whereas now ive stopped, theres generally more testosterone in my system + the propecia reducing DHT adding to this, could have damaged my hairline? and even contributed to all of the bad effects ive started experiencing on propecia.

I also got brain fog (which i know wasnt from the smoke, as its been nearly 4 months now without a single puff :D ) and developed a stutter within the first month or so of using it. 2 Weeks after stopping propecia and ive felt my sex drive shoot back up, i can get a `full` errection, the stutter thing has nearly faded away, no brain fog, and im thinking of excersizing again.

I also went through some emotional stress / pain / shock last year around october / november, ontop of doing some heavy chemical sh*t around december, plus the propecia thing, and im wondering if there is a chance that im going through one or more bouts of Telogen Effluvium, as well as balding. Even though my thinning is diffuse across my whole scalp, its alot worse up top then the back and sides. You can my scalp shining through from my vertex to where my hair parts at the front of you look at my head from the side.

Anyway's thats my story, i want to thank you irish for starting the whole RU58841 thing up, i would not have known much about it, let alone found somewhere to buy it if i had never found this topic/thread via google. I really do hope this works out (for you, me, and other people) as id rather not be playing with my hormones internally, not to mention RU is a potentially powerfull solution that combats testosterone as well. If anyone can shed any light on some of the wierd things ive mentioned above (especially about the hair just turning white instantly mid growth) that would be great!!

Oh, and my age? i just turned 22.

Also, how long after stopping propecia does shedding go back to normal? its been 3 weeks, and if anything its gotten *slightly* better. Although, because i wear a hat alot of the time (5 days a week at work), i also started washing my hair at least twice a day with the Revivogen Shampoo (i like it but dno how much of an effect it has) and Regrowth's Treatment Shampoo (2% Ketoconazole , 3% Salicylic Acid).

Could i also be recovering from Telogen Effluvium as well? or at least the Telogen Effluvium that could have been caused last year? I wish your average docters were more educated on this subject, everytime ive gone to them about this, i seem to know SO much more then they do, to the point were it's just pointless talking to them. Iv'e had bloodtests done and they said nothing came back that i should be worried about. Does a standard blood test pick up thyroid issues btw? or is that a seperate test?

I could go on and on with questions, but if anyone could shed any light on the above, that'd be fantastic!!
