Well, I actually went for a consultation with Dr Rogers...



The other day.

UK, Stratford Upon-Avon to be precise.

I'm almost 25, about a norwood 3v. Ugly hair-line.

He basically said he can do 1000 FUE on the hair line. Would neaten things up. £4,000 - about $7,200 in the US.

If anyone from the UK, who has considered a hair transplant, has any questions, I can answer them.


My hair looks worse in real life. Diffused and ugly. Hair-line looks just horrific.


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Too young because male pattern baldness is not done with him just yet. If he gets the transplant and male pattern baldness continues, it will look quite weird.



fallout boy said:
25 is too young for a hair transplant?? why do you say that?

Because it's a clueless comment. Yes, the proverbial, you’re too young crap.

If you approach it the right way, do you think they're might be a chance?
Of course. Taking meds with it will help. Live for the present, not the future.

Hell, when I'm over 30, I wouldn't mind as much. If you're over 30, then you have little to moan about imo. Us, in our early 20's are the real un lucky ones.

Red Rose

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drinkrum said:
Too young because male pattern baldness is not done with him just yet. If he gets the transplant and male pattern baldness continues, it will look quite weird.




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Re: Well, I actually went for a consultation with Dr Rogers.

Gunner said:
The other day.

UK, Stratford Upon-Avon to be precise.

I'm almost 25, about a norwood 3v. Ugly hair-line.

He basically said he can do 1000 FUE on the hair line. Would neaten things up. £4,000 - about $7,200 in the US.

If anyone from the UK, who has considered a hair transplant, has any questions, I can answer them.

Take it from me. I had a transplant about at that age and would not of proceeded if I didn't think my loss hadn't slowed down or stopped due to proscar. If these meds have not stopped your loss then you don't know in what pattern your'll eventually end up with. But at least with a FUE you could shve your head and not have the ugly scar on the back of your head.


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Did you ask him whether there will be enough hair left in the donor area to cover future balding areas in the very worst case scenario? i.e. if you eventually lose as much as you realistically could imagine yourself losing at worst, will you have enough donor hair to continue all the way back the head with the work? I think that's the key question, not age.

Red Rose

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One more thing Gunner 1000 FUE is not *that* much and if you can't be absolutely 100% sure that your hair is not going to continue diffusing then having surgery will be the worst decision you ever made.

Remember these doctors, like Rogers, are in a business. He might be telling you what you want to hear but I think any responsible surgeon should advise young men (that is men in their twenties) against such a drastic procedure.

Rogers is able to command a premium for FUE because he is the only doctor in the UK that can perform that procedure. Wait a few years, until your hairline has stabilised and hopefully FUE will by then be less of a "gimmick", the procedure would have been perfected and you'll have more surgeons to choose from than just Rogers.

Make sense?