Well, I got my Dermmatch and Hairsoreal, ...I think.

Vinton Harper

Established Member
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I received both my Dermmatch and Hairsoreal today that I ordered Thursday. I didn't expect to receive either so soon, but I'm glad that they came.
I do have a question about the Hairsoreal though, and I wondered if any of you have used this product and know what it(the packaging) is supposed to look like. What I received looks like a small salt shaker and doesn't even say Hairsoreal on it, it simply has the abbreviation "HSR" and it never says Hairsoreal anywhere on it. At any case, the packaging differs from any package of Hairsoreal I have seen when researching it.
If I could figure out how to post pictures on this board, I would show you.
This one has a clear container with a little rectangle in the front of the container with little different sized holes in it that look like swiss cheese or the recipient area just after a hair transplant. On top of that is the "HSR" logo and then some writing underneath.
I understand that companies can change their packaging, I just thought it would say Hairsoreal somewhere on the package, not just HSR.
Has anyone bought this product recently?