Went on cycle of steroids and no effect on hair !


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Hi Guys,

I have been using Propercia for 19 months now. I had a shed in May and end of June I started a cycle of steroids.

I took 60mg VAR + Test at 350ml per week.

My lifts went up at the gym, people were commenting I look buff. My hair has not changed and still regrowing after shed.

I take propecia, spironolactone 5% morning and night. minoxidil 5% night.

I finished cycle on Monday and I am now taking Nolva at 60MG per day and Clomid at 50MG per day. I have puffy nipples/small not visible lump under my nipple so due to Gyno thats the reason Nolva is such a high dose.

I thought some of you might like to know. I know it was a real risk taking the steroids but I put on 7kg. I seriously expected to notice sheding during the cycle.

Maybe I will notice it a month or two down the track and be crying?


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Test will not just eject your hair. Wait 3 months before you can say it had no effect.


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I figured that. I will keep you guys updated and post back in a few months. Set a reminder on my calender


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as for the 7kg, I read steroids take you 3 steps forwards and then after the cycle men's testosterone takes time to return, and they take two steps back. it will be good if you can keep that 7kg.

since the body stops producing testosterone when it has all those steroids, i doubt you will loose hair afterwards. you might get side effects from propecia for a while, but it will go away. i heard that right after a cycle, most steroid users get depressed. good luck.


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hmmmm, how much u benching?

i dnt think id ever consider steroids. u dont know what its doing inside to you. people die young using those all over the world. its sorta like a short cut from working to ur maximum i think.


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collegechemistrystudent said:
as for the 7kg, I read steroids take you 3 steps forwards and then after the cycle men's testosterone takes time to return, and they take two steps back. it will be good if you can keep that 7kg.

since the body stops producing testosterone when it has all those steroids, i doubt you will loose hair afterwards. you might get side effects from propecia for a while, but it will go away. i heard that right after a cycle, most steroid users get depressed. good luck.

You are sort of correct with the two steps back thing. But thats why we have a post cycle treatment (PCT). Clomid and Nolva is used to help put the bodys test, estrogen etc back to normal levels so chances or loosing much or your gains are minimal. Also less chance of side effects and you rebound back to normal a lot quicker.


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Hey man,

I know it's your decsion , but from a lot of experience with steroids
STAY AWAY!!!!!! If your worried about your hair. Once you do a cycle (eventough yours seems pretty reasonable as far as mg) the damage is done. Just read some stuff on the hair growth cycle. I've been browsing this site for years getting great advice from the members, but have never posted anything, but when I see a post like this is worries me. so I had to make my first post. Just trust me If your not going to be a pro bodybuilder,
eat right and workout hard. It's worth it. I mean no offense, just trying to help. Good luck.


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Dont listen to that other guy, if you are going to loose your hair, its going regardless of the steroids.

Steroids are fine if done in moderation and pct is enabled afterwards. Smoking and drinking are just as damamging to you in moderation as well.


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Yeah don't listen to me and just loose your hair faster than you normally would. Great advice. Yes if your predisposed to loose your hair obviously your going to, but by taking steroids you increase your test and by that you increase your DHT. Its simple do steroids and you will loose your hair faster.


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vze32qcj said:
Yeah don't listen to me and just loose your hair faster than you normally would. Great advice. Yes if your predisposed to loose your hair obviously your going to, but by taking steroids you increase your test and by that you increase your DHT. Its simple do steroids and you will loose your hair faster.

Actually this is a rather stupid and uneducated post. By blocking 5-AR with dutasteride or finasteride you wont lose your hair any faster if taking Testosterone. People dont lose their hair due to excessive testosterone, they lose it from DHT - which is relative to the levels of 5-AR in your blood - NOT TEST. People's test levels are all over the map - and decline with age.

Take a look at the pro and top level bodybuilders - see many bald ones? Nope, pretty much the same as the general population for their age range.

If you run 5-AR reduced steroids, or DHT derivatives you will probably lose hair faster, but the original poster was running mostly test and Anavar ( which is 5-AR reduced but is so weak that it shouldent cause a massive shed ).


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Hmmm, let me get this right, propecia, spironolactone, minoxidil and steroids? Thats quite a mix you have going there, your body must love you.


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Well propecia is proven to be a safe drug.

spironolactone 5% isn't absorbed systematically, and minoxidil has been around since the 60's, so we know it's effects.

Apart from the steroids of course, and perhaps the finasteride if he is unlucky enough to get sides, his body shouldn't suffer much adverse effect.


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I dont understand some people, if you are going to loose it, its going to go, if its today or tomorrow. Why not have a beautiful body that looks lean and astetic. The frumpy looking guy in the gym with all the hair will always admire the body, arms, delts, of the guy with less hair but with the much better body.

And the reason being, less hair forces us to remake ourselved with other qualities, better body, intelligence, career etc. the sum of those parts far outweigh nice hair.

Just be smart about doing a cycle, dont drink on it.


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Good on you dude...7kgs is pretty good considering the dose you used.

I want to go to the next level but my thining head makes me holding back in taking steroids.

I considered using the most mild ones for my hair like equipoise and deca but cycling without test isn´t good for our body and so i have to cycle with test.

Dianabol,winny,tren (this one people say is a wonder drug) are out of question.


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Just an update. No shedding yet and have not lost any strength at all. Still taking a large dose of Nolva but the gyno has just about disappeared.

I will also make an effort to post back in a month or so and tell you if I have shed and how things are going.


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If you run 5-AR reduced steroids, or DHT derivatives you will probably lose hair faster, but the original poster was running mostly test and Anavar ( which is 5-AR reduced but is so weak that it shouldent cause a massive shed ).[/quote]

I believe your last statement says it all. First of any meds we take.. DO Not block all production of 5-ar, and DHT is a derivitave of test. Well I guess my post are uneducated, but at least I don't contradict my own statements.


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Test/Anavar is actually a rather good combo, concerning hair loss. Anavar is generally considered not to affect hair loss, at least to a noticeable degree. Testosterone is one of the few steroids that can be taken together with finasteride. Without finasteride though, it's known to get you bald.


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So its been a little over a month.

Bad news guys I am starting to shed. Normally in the shower I run my hands threw my hair and get one or two hairs. Last few days I have been getting 10 or 15 hairs. I think its only a minor shed but time will tell.

I suppose the big question is the shed just a random yearly shed or does it relate to the steroids.


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messmorph said:
So its been a little over a month.

Bad news guys I am starting to shed. Normally in the shower I run my hands threw my hair and get one or two hairs. Last few days I have been getting 10 or 15 hairs. I think its only a minor shed but time will tell.

I suppose the big question is the shed just a random yearly shed or does it relate to the steroids.

Do you normally lose 1-2 hairs each time u run ur hand thru ur hair, or is that the total amount u think u lose after u shampoo?