Whack a Baldy arcade game "proving very popular"


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I was just reading an article on the BBC website and I thought it might interest some bald guys out there.

On a pier in Suffolk, England, a new arcade game has proved very popular called 'Whack a Banker'. It is based on 'Whack a Mole'. Cool, but then I read the following line:

"Instead of players hitting pop-up moles with a mallet, within a set time, the target is pop-up bald figures."

The game's designer said, ""I keep having to replace worn-out mallets ... The bankers are bald and all look the same because that's how I think people see bankers, as faceless."


They should make arcade games for bald guys where you get to whack heads with thick norwood 1s.

Article: http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/england/suffolk/8410453.stm

uncomfortable man

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f*** video games. I've got a meat cleaver and I'm going on a field trip to split some hairy heads. This game isn't anti-bankers, it's anti-bald people. This is right up there on the offensive scale with old coon characters with the white lips eating a watermelon. The fact that this game is so popular is very telling too. And people think I'm crazy when I say the public hates bald people. I need to hurt someone right now.


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i disagree, i bet if you asked the majority of people after they played the game if the characters were bald they wouldn't even remember. i think using a model that has no hair makes it easier to make them all look "identical" as the guy said. if anything this shows people associate baldness with wealth!

uncomfortable man

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treeshrew said:
i disagree, i bet if you asked the majority of people after they played the game if the characters were bald they wouldn't even remember. i think using a model that has no hair makes it easier to make them all look "identical" as the guy said. if anything this shows people associate baldness with wealth!
Right, people are hitting them with mallets because they respect them so much. :shakehead:

Mens Rea

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lol @ some of you guys thinking its a contrived thing vrs baldies

ffs get a life you twats, the game wasn't created to alienate or victimise.

I actually think its pretty funny too.


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Some of the comments in this thread are ridiculous, and sound as though people have read the bolded text without reading the rest.

This is a game to bash bankers. The fact that the bankers are bald is incidental, and probably results from the fact that it's just a lot easier to make a pop-up model without hair than with hair.

It's a story from the UK. Over in Britain, people despise bankers right now because they're widely perceived to have shattered the UK economy. The UK, more so than any major economy, has historically been heavily dependent on finance, and consequently felt the brunt of the financial crash the strongest.

People in Britain hate bankers. They don't hate bald people. To imagine that this is a game against baldies is ridiculous bordering on paranoid.


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There used to be a comedy program here in the UK and a bit in it starred a Bald man "Hello Baldie!" (I remember him getting shat on by a bird). It was on ITV, does anyone remember what it was called ?


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cuebald said:
There used to be a comedy program here in the UK and a bit in it starred a Bald man "Hello Baldie!" (I remember him getting shat on by a bird). It was on ITV, does anyone remember what it was called ?

< Duh, take a look at my Avatar. ('The Baldy man')

Bald Dave

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Yeah i remember the baldy man on ITV. He was mocked not because he was bald but because he has an obvious combover!


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Hmm, but the main premise of the show was that bald guys are ridiculous insecure creatures. It made fun of the fact that he looked different to the norm.