What a mess...


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Ok... so this is a big step for me guys. I've had a problem with my hair for a while now (Since I was 16. I'm 18 now), but only recently have decided to seek help. I believe my hairline is receding and my crown is starting to lose hair. I cannot afford to lose hair, especially since I am in school to become a hairstylist... My dad is bald on top but my mom's side is full of hair.

I haven't really done much to prevent it yet, aside from biotin and zinc supplements. I've done tons of research on propecia but the permanent sexual dysfunction really scares me away from it. Rogaine only makes your hair look greasy and I've heard it doesn't work that great either. I've came across some intercytex thing that is supposedly coming out within the next few years (if anyone can inform me more on this please do) which looks effective.

For my hairline I can clearly tell it's receding in the corners, you can even see the baby-fine hair there, and the weak hair that will soon be the same. When I run my fingers through them I can feel the difference, and they don't fall like the areas that are healthy. When I use two mirrors to see my crown you can clearly see my scalp.. It's not as bad as my hairline, but I dread the day it will be.

Hair loss is not my biggest problem either. My skin is bad and full of acne, but I'm currently on accutane and planning on getting laser treatment to fix the hyperpigmentation. So please guys, give me some advice. The stress and depression is ruining my life.

I can provide pictures if anyone wants.

Thanks in advance! <3


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I'm afraid you don't really have much choice other than the Big Three.

Use Nizoral at least, it's an anti-fungal shampoo that allegedly has anti-DHT properties.
I agree on not using Rogaine, it's messy, smells, and is a pain to apply - I don't bother with it.

FWIW I've had no sexual sides on Finasteride, and my sex drive has gone down only 10% on Oral Spironolactone (which is a "heavy" anti-androgen, not recommended for teenagers). I am 23.

If you want to keep your hair, Finasteride is the only way. Anything else will slightly slow the process down - but your hair will end up in the sink in the end.

If you got to the stage where you wanted a hair transplant, most surgeons require you to be maintaining (either naturally through male pattern baldness stopping, or via medications).

It sucks that we get this hand dealt to us.
Especially when at our age (16 - 25) most everyone around us has clear skin, and nice thick hair.
Can't say I'm much competition around the other guys with the hair of a middle-ager.
Nice genes eh?

I personally suspect high testosterone levels are the cause of some of our woes - you have Acne too which apparently is aggravated by high Testosterone levels.

All we can do otherwise is wait for a cure...


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Hey Platinum Hearts,
I can relate to you on both the acne and the hair loss. I'm 25 and about 10 years ago I also had a really bad case of acne. However accutane completely cleared up my skin and most people wouldn't even know that I ever had acne from looking at me. So the good news is that the accutane should do the trick for your acne, but the bad news is that it is a very strong medication and it may even contribute to hair loss I've heard. You should talk to your doctor about it. Anyway, as for treating your hair loss, I wouldn't be so quick to write off rogaine. It worked wonders for me when my hair loss was just starting out. I would try it for at least a year and see if it helps. If that doesn't help and your hair is still bothering you, you might really have to consider finasteride. I know the side effects stories are scary, but I do think they are a little exaggerated. Doctors prescribe this to 100s and 1000s of patients and I think if a lot of them were really getting these permanent side effects, these doctors would not prescribe it so readily. I had it prescribed to me by an M.D that I've known since childhood that I trusted very much, and he told me his son in law was on it. I also had another doctor prescribe it to me and she said her husband was on it, and if anyone knows about his libido, it should be her. So what I'm saying is that these doctors had people loved on this medication and I'm sure that wouldn't be the case if the stuff was as bad as some people claim. That being said, I think there are always risks when taking a medication, you need to talk to your doctor and decide if a shot at keeping your hair is worth the risk. Not an easy decision to make. Good luck, I'm sure the acne will clear up soon.


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What does accutane are you on. Hair thinning is a side effect of it.

Lots of people come to hair loss forums asking for help but saying they don't want to use finasteride out of fear. Unfortunately, the only thing you can really do then is watch yourself go bald. If you want to save your hair you need finasteride, its quite simple.

Minoxidil works, but its not stopping you from going bald.


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If its written in yuor gene finasteride wont help you "stop" hairlose, it *might* slow it down just abit with the possible cost of going impotent or growing gyno (male tits).


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Smooth said:
If its written in yuor gene finasteride wont help you "stop" hairlose, it *might* slow it down just abit with the possible cost of going impotent or growing gyno (male tits).

Hmm I've seen many cases of not only total stoppage but thickening aswell and no sides for over 10 years.


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Yeah, I'll take my chances with b**ch tits and Impotence rather than lose my hair. You can always remove your tits with surgery and use v**** if the side effects end up being long term.


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Nene said:
Yeah, I'll take my chances with b**ch tits and Impotence rather than lose my hair. You can always remove your tits with surgery and use v**** if the side effects end up being long term.
Sounds like fun, i wonder if your radioactive piss will hurt on its way out.... :whistle:

somone uk

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PlatinumHearts said:
Ok... so this is a big step for me guys. I've had a problem with my hair for a while now (Since I was 16. I'm 18 now), but only recently have decided to seek help. I believe my hairline is receding and my crown is starting to lose hair. I cannot afford to lose hair, especially since I am in school to become a hairstylist... My dad is bald on top but my mom's side is full of hair.

I haven't really done much to prevent it yet, aside from biotin and zinc supplements. I've done tons of research on propecia but the permanent sexual dysfunction really scares me away from it. Rogaine only makes your hair look greasy and I've heard it doesn't work that great either. I've came across some intercytex thing that is supposedly coming out within the next few years (if anyone can inform me more on this please do) which looks effective.

For my hairline I can clearly tell it's receding in the corners, you can even see the baby-fine hair there, and the weak hair that will soon be the same. When I run my fingers through them I can feel the difference, and they don't fall like the areas that are healthy. When I use two mirrors to see my crown you can clearly see my scalp.. It's not as bad as my hairline, but I dread the day it will be.

Hair loss is not my biggest problem either. My skin is bad and full of acne, but I'm currently on accutane and planning on getting laser treatment to fix the hyperpigmentation. So please guys, give me some advice. The stress and depression is ruining my life.

I can provide pictures if anyone wants.

Thanks in advance! <3
accutane has been known to cause hair loss so i would be careful about that,
90% of people usually have a maturing hairline at 16-18, it's not male pattern baldness it's just puberty, but if it's starting to recede beyond a nw2 then it is male pattern baldness
it's a myth that propecia has permanent sides, the allegation is usually from people who blame propecia for their ed when it could have 100's of other causes, it's only natural to blame the drug that say "may cause erectile dysfunction" for ed.
but in reality if your ed gets caused by propecia it should go in 2 weeks


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Smooth said:
Nene said:
Yeah, I'll take my chances with b**ch tits and Impotence rather than lose my hair. You can always remove your tits with surgery and use v**** if the side effects end up being long term.
Sounds like fun, i wonder if your radioactive piss will hurt on its way out.... :whistle:

Lol. Obviously if I did experience side effects I'd stop taking the finasteride, but so far so good. All I'm saying is if one is unfortunate enough to experience those horrible side effects long term, there are things that can be done. I understand that some people might be reluctant to try medications, I don't blame them. I wish I was brave enough to accept my fate and go bald naturally like I was meant to, but this is 2009, and I'm going to take advantage of modern science and medicine. So I guess in a sense I'm a coward. But you're also a coward smooth, you aren't passing on finasteride because you're brave enough to go bald, you're just too scared to try it. male pattern baldness bothers you or you wouldn't be on these forums, and it must be eating you alive that you aren't doing everything you can to stop it. Maybe attacking me helps you justify your decision to not take finasteride. If you did try finasteride and experienced side effects, then I don't blame you for not taking it.


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Nene said:
.... So I guess in a sense I'm a coward. But you're also a coward smooth, you aren't passing on finasteride because you're brave enough to go bald, you're just too scared to try it. male pattern baldness bothers you or you wouldn't be on these forums, and it must be eating you alive that you aren't doing everything you can to stop it. Maybe attacking me helps you justify your decision to not take finasteride. If you did try finasteride and experienced side effects, then I don't blame you for not taking it.

i never claimed to be brave for accepting my baldness, on the contrary i hate it, this is why im here... like you.
m avoiding meds BECAUSE im afraid of the sides i've seen what it does and i tried it myselff and it did effect my "functioning" so i stopped before it gotten worse (thank god i did) i personally wouldn't risk it now, these hair loss meds thought me the hard way to be extra cautious before i put anything inside my body - and for this im thankfull , secondly, i never accepted my baldness, i m working on it, its a process and it takes time, avoiding med or accepting baldness has nothing to do with being brave, you make your own choices in life, just be sure you make the smart ones...for me, paying money for unlimited time period for something that wont reverse my situation and has a chance to effect my health for the worse and hurt my libido or grow male tits while barely stopping the proccess is not a cure and i'd rather go bald... call me stupid :)

dudemon said:
So how can all these guys claim that finasteride gives them sides?

Most of them are OBVIOUSLY FULL OF sh*t!

Dude, i guess you never heard of this site??




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u guys need to chill.

Lets be honest here, some will start finasteride and blame EVERYTHING on it, from colds to cancer and some guys will get genuine sides.

finasteride wont kill you, take it and with an OPEN and NON HYPOCHONDRIAC mind review it after month, if you have sides you cant live with stop using it, its meant to be totally out of your system in a few days.

finasteride will more than likely save your hair, having hair is rather nice.


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Yeah, I'm not going to sit here and claim that everyone getting sides is making it up or imagining it. I'm sure it happens. Smooth, I understand where you're coming from. It is a lot to risk for simply a chance to slow down hair loss. It isn't guaranteed to work, and if it does work it'll simply slow down the process, not halt it. However, it seems to me that you're just hating on those of us who are lucky enough to take the stuff and not experience sides. At first I didn't want to take it because of what I've stated above. But as my male pattern baldness progressed, I decided to at least try it out for a while. Even if it helps me to keep a relatively full head of hair until I'm 30, I'll be happy about that. Being bald sucks, but being bald as a very young man sucks worse.


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monty1978 said:
Thanks for that. :)

I certainly wasn't guiltless when I called you a c**t!

Big hug to all my balding brothers

What a f*****g f**!!! :gay:

just kidding monty :mrgreen:

everything's cool Dude we all have different views on the matter it seems.


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haha, its all getting a little girly in here now:).

dont be scared of it guys, finasteride and miniox have given me my hair back. i look years younger, i feel more confident, it was WELL worth it for me, id hate if folks stopped using this just because they think they may have sides, make sure your problems are deffo from finasteride.

Id say the beer, burgers, pizzas, beer and beer, alongwith woman are doing ALOT more harm to my health than finasteride ever could:).


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monty1978 said:
dudemon said:
monty1978 said:
Ignorant c**t!!


On merck's website, it does say, "side effects occur in less than 2% of all men who use it."

So how can all these guys claim that finasteride gives them sides?

Most of them are OBVIOUSLY FULL OF sh*t!

As far as you calling me a c**t, I think you need to rescind your comments. You jackass. :woot:

Not bloody likely!

How would you feel if you were getting sides and people told you it was in your head.

Now, c*** piece, I used to think you were ok untill I read your penultimate comment. Regards to this you bloody idiot, why would people make up these things. Perhaps they may be feeling self consciouse and this could contribute but it's downright ignorant and hurtfull to say they are full of sh*t.

For the record I am an an everyday guy myself, twice or 3 times if I can get away with it (sex I mean). I have been on an off finasteride or duts about 20 times in the past 5 years as it keeps my hair so well that I can let it fall and grow it back with impunity. However my balls shrivel up, my seman changes colour and volume, my libido drops to wanting it once every two weeks and I lose my lust for life.

Regards to <2%. Of course multi billion dollar pharmacuetical companys dont have a reason to skew results at all do they, they would never let people do anything that was bad for them. Do you trust everyone you meet in the street too.

First time I took finasteride I wasn't even aware of the sides, I didn't bother reading about them as I generally never suffer anything from anything so it absolutely wasn't my imagination but low and behold.

Ok I admit I was furious with your comment an I will take back the word c**t but you are definately not clever!

Lol. Uber flamage.

Lol, your seaman changed color? Lol.