What about this guys??


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ok so last year when I first noticed my hairloss and panicked I went to a hairloss clinic located here . After about a month of reading up on hairloss and going through this board, I realized that they werent gonna do sh*t for me, so I stop going there even though I already paid 2 g's to get treatment from them. Basically there treatment was a topical made out of all natural sh*t. Yeah I know, snake oil.

Anywayz, there was something in there method of applying their topical that I feel was actually quite interesting and could help in the application and effectivness of minoxidil. Basically b4 applying the topical and sometimes when the topical was actually already on the head, they would make me were a heat cap for like 30min. It was basically just a cap that you could plug into the wall and it would heat up, much like one of those heating blankets. The reason they made me and everybody else wear it was because they said it opens up the pores and increases absorbtion. This does make sense doesnt it? So wouldnt this also help in the absorbtion of minoxidil as well? What do u guys think?


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It would probably mean you absorb too much too fast.. ideally you want a constant absorption.


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I understand where ur coming from Rage and what ur saying does make sense.

This is an exact quote from a letter Dr.Lee wrote me.

"Success with minoxidil is dose dependent. On the average only 1.4% of the minoxidil you apply is absorbed into the scalp."

If this is true and your absorbing a constant amount of minoxidil over a certain time period, and the end result is only 1.4% over that time period, wouldnt it be better to possibly absorb a larger amount over a smaller time period and then reapply later on?


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under20 said:
"Success with minoxidil is dose dependent. On the average only 1.4% of the minoxidil you apply is absorbed into the scalp."

And yet some people still see side effects like chest pain. If it was absorbed into the skin more it can be potentially dangerous.
I just read a post over at HLH where a guy was using DMSO (used as a vehicle to increase absorbtion) with his minoxidil and is now having heart trouble. I know one guy having trouble doesn't mean anything but my point is you don't want it to be absorbed any more than it is. Keep your scalp healthy and clean and that is plenty.