What age do you consider to be pre-mature balding?


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Some poeple may see this differently. I for one believe that balding is considered premature when it happens to a person under the age of about 30 (late 20's).

But what eactly is pre-mature balding? Is it hairloss at an early age or is it balding that shouldn't of occured until a later age in life?


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I think that question is tough to answer.

To you mean a bit of thinning, I would say before 25. Balding? Before 30, Bald? Before 40.


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I'll go with early 20s. I think balding at about 30 is pretty normal.

I started thinning in my late 20s and I don't consider it to be pre-mature. I have had friends at uni, who lost their hair in their early 20s, now that's different....


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I think being a NW4 before 35 is premature, but like said, it is a subjective thing.


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Yeah it depends on the circumstances not when you start but how bad it gets.
I've seen guys who complain that they started losing it at 17 but by the age of 35 they're still not even NW3.

Personally I could'nt care what age I got a nw2 but being a NW5+ is pretty bad even at 40.

I was started losing at 18/19 was a NW3 by about 24 and a NW6 by 30. I'd call that pretty premature.

uncomfortable man

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nw5 at 11 yrs old.


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I would say any hairloss beyond a norwood 2 before the age of 25 is premature. The thing that left me unnerved when i was 19/20 is that one side of my temple was receded to norwood 2 and the other was still norwood 1. Although this isnt bad on the hairloss scale. This un even hairloss made it more noticeable that i was receding and caused me a great deal of stress at the time. It evened out at about 22 to a solid norwood 2. Then it proceeded to norwood 2.5 with crown thinning a year and a half later. So i guess i am losing it early.


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thenational said:
Some poeple may see this differently. I for one believe that balding is considered premature when it happens to a person under the age of about 30 (late 20's).

But what eactly is pre-mature balding? Is it hairloss at an early age or is it balding that shouldn't of occured until a later age in life?

I agree. Balding in your 20's is definitely premature. Anything beyond NW3 before 40 should be considered premature. I think anyone over 40 on here who is not at least NW4/5 is over reacting. You look your age... If you're NW3 and in your 20's or early 30's, thats really not fun at all, it absolutely decreases your chances with women (at least as much so as being fat/short) and hurts your ability to get a job.


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ClayShaw said:
thenational said:
Some poeple may see this differently. I for one believe that balding is considered premature when it happens to a person under the age of about 30 (late 20's).

But what eactly is pre-mature balding? Is it hairloss at an early age or is it balding that shouldn't of occured until a later age in life?

If you're NW3 and in your 20's or early 30's, thats really not fun at all, it absolutely decreases your chances with women (at least as much so as being fat/short) and hurts your ability to get a job.

Most women don't even notice NW3 as balding, and hair can cover the temples, so, totally disagree with that, and on the job front, you're going a bit overboard there without doubt.


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Petchsky said:
ClayShaw said:
thenational said:
Some poeple may see this differently. I for one believe that balding is considered premature when it happens to a person under the age of about 30 (late 20's).

But what eactly is pre-mature balding? Is it hairloss at an early age or is it balding that shouldn't of occured until a later age in life?

If you're NW3 and in your 20's or early 30's, thats really not fun at all, it absolutely decreases your chances with women (at least as much so as being fat/short) and hurts your ability to get a job.

Most women don't even notice NW3 as balding, and hair can cover the temples, so, totally disagree with that, and on the job front, you're going a bit overboard there without doubt.

I may be, but I've read that people who are bald are less likely to be hired. Like if they interview two guys with equal skills, one bald and one not, the guy with good hair gets the job. Now, I've never heard of it actually happening, and it's certainly never happened to me, but it's something I've read.
As far as not noticing NW3 as balding... I agree. But, if you're NW3 before you're 30, where are you going to be at 32? 35? I think that the majority of people who get to NW3 by 30 get to at least NW4 by 35 or so, and everyone recognizes that as balding. On the other hand, my uncle was an NW3 at 29, and didn't go any further than that until he passed 50. He's now an NW5 at 65 (but at 65... who cares? I'd trade an NW2 from now until 50 for an NW7 afterwards in a heartbeat).


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s.a.f said:
I was started losing at 18/19 was a NW3 by about 24 and a NW6 by 30. I'd call that pretty premature.

Lol, and I remember you saying to me that I don't have the right to complain about my balding? I was noticiably thin at 23 and now at 26 I'm pretty damn thin on NW5 area. At my age you were around NW3.5? Yeah I'm so much better off than you were :jackit: .


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ghg said:
s.a.f said:
I was started losing at 18/19 was a NW3 by about 24 and a NW6 by 30. I'd call that pretty premature.

Lol, and I remember you saying to me that I don't have the right to complain about my balding? I was noticiably thin at 23 and now at 26 I'm pretty damn thin on NW5 area. At my age you were around NW3.5? Yeah I'm so much better off than you were :jackit: .

Yes but I was actually skin bald in the NW3.5 area not only slightly thinner than the average non m.p.b dude and only visible under strong lighting.

And even then I was'nt coming on hairloss forums describing myself as BALD like you have done. Posting pics that everyone agreed looked like a totaly acceptable head of hair. Thats the difference between me and you.
I've had people commenting on my visible hairloss since I was 16 whilst by your own admission no one has ever even mentioned it to you.
:jackit: :jackit: :jackit:


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Who are you talking about? My balding has been visible even under a dim light for about 2 years now. Obviously you have no idea what the f*** you're talking about, so maybe it's better to shut it? I mean, why are you always pretending that you know my situation better than me? That's very arrogant and pretty damn stupid. I don't claim to know sh*t about your hair, because I don't. I only go by with what you write here.


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ghg said:
Who are you talking about? My balding has been visible even under a dim light for about 2 years now. Obviously you have no idea what the f*ck you're talking about, so maybe it's better to shut it? I mean, why are you always pretending that you know my situation better than me? That's very arrogant and pretty damn stupid. I don't claim to know sh*t about your hair, because I don't. I only go by with what you write here.

When you call yourself "bald" that is exactly what you ARE doing. You are pretending you know something about our situation. It's like me losing some feeling in one of my legs and calling myself a parapalgic in front of real parapalegics. They should be annoyed at me.

And I've seen your pics. You are barely thinning. Sorry but that is the case.

You can't call yourself even close to a NW5. UMan is a NW5. If we put the two of you together and had 10000 people pick who is bald, how many do you think would choose you over him? ZERO. That is the different between being bald (or skin bald) and just having some thinning.

Remember when you shaved your head and said that you look like a psycho or prisoner or something? Well, when you shave your head you look different. When a bald guy shaves his head, he still looks the same; BALD. See the differences now?


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It doesnt matter who thinks what about your loss and how bad it is.

Guys to him his loss is bad so its bad. You cant possibly tell someone how bald they are or how bad they are allowed to feel about it. It affects people differently. In my case im sure some of you would say i dont have any issues etc etc...well what i do have wrong with my hair, be it little for now bothers me... and if it bothers me then ill do something about it.

People here need to stop jumping on others for not having a 'worthy' claim of hair loss.. its getting old and pathetic.

uncomfortable man

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As right as I feel S.A.F. and HP are (big surprize there), I won't compare myself to GHG. He doesn't respond to the meds and it is only a matter of time for him to travel down that trail. Time is a conveyor belt. You can look at someone ten spaces behind you and wish you were in their spot, but they will be in your spot soon enough. Time just keeps movin. The unfair thing for us PRE MATURE balders is that it seems the conveyor belt moves faster for us. :( When I was 26 looked pretty much the same as I do now, with maybe a little bit more hair but still mostly scalp. Far less than what you have right now GHG.


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hairloss is as bad as we make it. Unfortunately we all vain bastids lol.

The hands of time will tick away but not all of us will reach the buddah heights of nw6 or 7. Some of us may end up better than expected, others worse. One thing for sure is we will all reach acceptance a long time before HM ever comes along.

HM is hair loss sufferers's santa.. only difference is ya dont get sh*t for believing in it.


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iwantperfection said:
HM is hair loss sufferers's santa.. only difference is ya dont get sh*t for believing in it.
:woot: Qftw! , dont mind if i take it into my avatar? hell, i dont ask permision! ;)


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s.a.f said:
Yeah it depends on the circumstances not when you start but how bad it gets.
I've seen guys who complain that they started losing it at 17 but by the age of 35 they're still not even NW3.

Personally I could'nt care what age I got a nw2 but being a NW5+ is pretty bad even at 40.

I was started losing at 18/19 was a NW3 by about 24 and a NW6 by 30. I'd call that pretty premature.

I'd agree. Anything over NW3 is "balding". Lots of guys are NW3, and the way they style their hair, you'd never think they were losing their hair. NW6 by 30 is hard...