
What Are My Chances Of Going Bald? What Role Do My Uncles Play In My Genetics?


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Hello everyone, I just turned 19, and I figured it was time for me to begin to think about hair loss and male pattern baldness. Growing up, I always thought that I was in clear of the condition, and when looking at the surface levels of my genetics, that would seem to be right. both of my granddads have (and had) a full head of hair. with my Granddad on my mother's side only recently starting to recede in his 70s (he's 83) and my granddad on my father's side having a full head of hair until the day he died of ALS at 67. My father himself still has all of his hair at 52. But upon closer inspection, some warning signs can be seen (possibly?) that I have questions about. A few of my uncles (about one-third of them) are either bald or receding, which is what is worrying me. now one thing to know is that I have OCD, so I've spent the last month absolutely obsessing over my hair and checking for any signs in recent pictures. As of now, I have no recession at all. I would just like to hear from people who've experienced hair loss and/or medical professionals on the subject of my genetics and how that plays into gong bald. I figured that since my direct lineage (Grandads and father) has no trouble with male pattern baldness, that I have more of a chance of keeping my hair than losing it, but what do you all think? It also seems that the curlier and mans hair is (on my mother's side of the family), the less likely a chance there is of going bald. Is this just a coincidence or is there some truth to this? Thanks for all of your help everyone.
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I really don't see a point, sorry. I've already looked tirelessly through pictures of myself and I'm not losing hair it seems like. I'd just like to know my chances of going bald, and I really want to keep my privacy I guess. sorry.


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Pics are the only way to gauge your problem if you have one. If you're assured you're not losing your hair and everything's fine,then I guess everything must really be fine. Since a few of your uncles are bald,it means that the hairloss gene is present in your family tree and theoretically, you too could have it. It's not at all necessary that you'll develop male pattern baldness,but theoretically it's possible.


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Pics are the only way to gauge your problem if you have one. If you're assured you're not losing your hair and everything's fine,then I guess everything must really be fine. Since a few of your uncles are bald,it means that the hairloss gene is present in your family tree and theoretically, you too could have it. It's not at all necessary that you'll develop male pattern baldness,but theoretically it's possible.

I started to panic about the possibility when seeing mirror angles of side my head for the first time. upon looking at pictures of my self from middle and high school and even longer ago, I realized that it's always been like this. my temples have not receded at all and it seems that I've always had a high hairline.


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I won't nag you to ask you for your pics but in my experience, a 3rd person's view would be better to calm your anxieties as we over here won't be biased. You definitely are unsure else why would you be here!


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I won't nag you to ask you for your pics but in my experience, a 3rd person's view would be better to calm your anxieties as we over here won't be biased. You definitely are unsure else why would you be here!

That's a good point, and it reminded me of something I forgot to clear up. About two weeks ago I had my doctor check out my hair, and he said it seemed fine but then referred me to a dermatologist. The dermatologist used this tool thingy to analyze the density of my hair and said I was fine. I'd just like to know if uncle's play a big role in baldness for me.

Forgot to clear that up, sorry.


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That's a good point, and it reminded me of something I forgot to clear up. About two weeks ago I had my doctor check out my hair, and he said it seemed fine but then referred me to a dermatologist. The dermatologist used this tool thingy to analyze the density of my hair and said I was fine. I'd just like to know if uncle's play a big role in baldness for me.

Forgot to clear that up, sorry.
Well then you don't have anything to worry about as the derms physical,in-person observation will always be much superior to ours. As I said,there's always a chance even if a single member in your family has or had male pattern baldness. The odds will be very less but they'll be there nontheless. Don't worry since you've been given a green flag by a derm.