What are some yearly hairloss conventions?


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Just trying to figure out what we have to look forward to... besides losing more and more hair every day.

I know there are some conferences and/or conventions regarding hairloss. Its when all the big-shots and researchers in the industry get together to talk about their progress. Anybody know when these are held? Is it the same time every year.

Rather than waiting for the cure or a better treatment to ring the doorbell, it would be nice to know that they are on their way.



Senior Member
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Hi Elguapo -

Most of the conventions I have attended really stick to reviewing the incremental private studies that the particular doctors have done, which are either going to be published or were just published within the last year. The big challenge is seeking to add to the overall understanding of hair loss by thinking up creative ways to test "stuff" and see what happens in response. Not necessarily new treatments, most of the time. Many times its just a new look at how hair follicles develop, or stop developing, or do any number of different things. This then is added to the overall knowledge and the pile of information is made a little bigger.

One such conference is the Interational Society of Hair Restoration Surgery. Usually there are several new studies and clinical trials that are presented there. Since the intelligent hair loss fighter knows that our lifeblood is clinical data, many times these can be insightful and interesting. This conference is usually focused on the hair transplantation industry but other speakers present as well.

You can read more about the conference which is coming up, in Canada, here:


We will as usual post all the studies that are presented there, here on our site. We did this a year or two ago for the Chicago conference. You can check them out here:

