what are the chances??


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I've been thinking about hairloss lately and I was wondering what you guys think my chances could be of keeping my hair till i'm atleast 30??


I'm 20, Diffuce thinner with a solid hair line, I went through a terrible shed accompanied with severe dandruff (hair used to come out with 1-3 hairs attached to a piece of skin or dandruff!! Lost 150hairs + a day for 2 months!) about 6 months ago, since then I've been on Propecia (0.86mg/day) which gave me a pretty bad shed for 2 weeks at 3 months and nizoral as well as T-gel!! Scalp condition is now stabablized and NO dandruff BIG reduction in shedding! So far hairloss is undetectable but I KNOW its there!!

What does everyone think my chances are then???


There is no way to answer that question, there are way to my things in play.
All you can do is read the information and pick a regiment and stick to it.
Not the answer you wanted I am sure but I asked the same question not to long ago and I now no that is the only answer there is,

Best of luck to you


Molecular Help

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About 80% for keeping it 5 more years. The propecia trials are there is to go on for a question like this. Also has a lot to do with genetics... does aggresive, early onset male pattern baldness run in your family?

Molecular Help

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True there are too many factors to know for sure, but the men in the propecia study had all those same factors at play. That's why it doesn't work for everybody. But I think it's still fair to say 80% for 5 years, I believe the participants lost some regrowth after year 2 or so but were still above baseline. Plus if it's not noticible than you've caught it early, and diffuse loss is easier to halt than a receding hairline.

Best of Luck.


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well in my family from my fathers side EVERYONE has hair... my grandpa had hair his entire life with a bit of recession at the temples by the time he was 80, my dad as well has lots of hair at 50 years old!!
My mothers side on the other hand is pretty scary.... my uncle (mothers brother) started loosing his hair at 18 and completely lost his hair by 20. My cousin (uncle's son) startin loosing at 18 as well in the male pattern baldness areas, HOWEVER he started propecia right away and regrew his hair to about 90% original hair, this was six years ago, he is currently maintaining his hair including the regrowth he had!! there was no such recession in hair for him after the 2 year mark!
My grandpa(mothers side) also lost his hair but toward his thirties and today at 78 years old still has more hair than my uncle!!

So as you can see my family tree concerning hair loss is messed up by baldness is there!


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the main problem I'm having is whether or not I am actually experiencing hair loss... thickness of my hair has pretty much maintained for the past several years!! However many months ago when my dandruff started up again I shed sooo much and emmediately I though what happened to my uncle and cousin was now happening to me.. Could it possibly be that my extreme shedding was caused by the severe dandruff??

From what I hear dandruff is suppost to not cause any shedding so thats why I joined the propecia wagon in fear that I WILL go bald and quick since my uncle lost all of his in 2 years!!

Any advice?


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are you sure it was dandruff, did you see a derm? if it was just flakey and dry-feeling skin, it might not have been dandruff at all. Other things, such as Psoriasis, can cause hairloss, and if treated, the hair will grow back.


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hey needhair, the story of your cousin who got on propecia sounds pretty good...any details? i started losing at about 17, have been on finasteride for 9 months...am hoping it can do something like that for me. but when my male pattern baldness started it was pretty aggressive and fast-moving. was his like that too? if so, to maintain for 6 years is like a dream! ive certainly not regrew to 90%, but if i could maintain for that long id be very happy. will see how it goes, still not certain about the efficiency of my finasteride yet.

as for your situation....everyones different. i dont think your family tree will help that much, maybe just give you a bit of a guide. after all, my dad is totally bald, and lost his hair around 25-40 slowly diffuse thinning. but his brothers both have thick full hair at 50. my brother is in his early 20s and has recession, with a little bit of thinning. i have thinning, but hardly any recession. so its hard to predict like that!

id say since youve caught it early and its diffusing, you should be good. why arent you on 1mg finasteride? get on that id say, split proscar if cost is an issue. if your hairloss is undetectable, probably means its not going at the speed of light, so stay on finasteride strictly and dont worry, you should be fine for a long time to come i would think. good luck.


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youngguy_uk, my cousin's hair was a complete success story for sure.... his main advice to me was keep with it, I remember his first year with it and it WASN"T good... his hair was at its worst during the first 6 months to a year but everything sprung right back. To this day it amazes me how much hair he has COMPLETELY undetectable hairloss.. HOWEVER when I said 90%, I meant that the slight recession in his temples never came back to original, but thats almost nothing anyway.

I personally believe that if something like this worked so well for him then for sure he can maintain ATLEAST for another 5-10 years MINIMUM. It just depends who you are and with this new study that hairloss slows down after 30 is only good news for him!! My Doctor has one other patient on finasteride and he's been maintaing for almost eight years apparently!! this is good stuff!

Also the reason that I'm on 0.86mg of propecia is because I use Proscar. I cut into fifths and I'm definate that I am loosing some finasteride in this process of cutting (some powder of the finasteride is usually left over). Either way there is a study that proves even 0.5mg of finasteride is effective as 1mg or even more...

Personally I know that finasteride has reduced DHT in me because there has been a large decrease in the amount of skin oilyness that I get, it used to be terrible right before I started finasteride, soo much oil I could wipe it off with papertowel and it was clearly visible. Incase anyone doesn't know the increase in sebum and skin oilyness is the direct affect of DHT!! I also have much less achne on my face and body then I used to. NO side effects and a slight increase in sex drive(first month)... my body hair has remained the same and facial hair grows quicker and thicker?!?! go figure

Silkysmooth, I see what your getting at with this possibly not being dandruff.. come to think of it it probably was Psorios (not the correct spelling), that would explain why Nizoral worked so well for me then. I remember when it was at its worst... the itch was behond control and just looking at my hair by the end of the day there was dandruff and skin flakes EVERYWHERE along with red spots all along my hairline (where the itch was the worst). One thing I do know for sure was that the itch infamation, and redness was ONLY on the top of my head NOT the sides or the back!
Anyway are you saying that Psoriasis CAUSES shedding?? cause from what I hear on this board the inflamation and itching go hand and hand with male pattern baldness !! PLEASE shed some light on this topic !!!