What Are The Effects Of Dry Scalp On Balding?

Androgenic Alpaca

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I can't imagine that dry scalp could be a good thing, but what I'm asking is if its particularly bad. I suppose it could lead to inflammation.

I use nizoral shampoo daily, stemoxydine in alcohol solution daily, and minoxidil in alcohol/PG twice daily. The combination of all of these seems to dry out my scalp pretty good. My scalp is itchy pretty much constantly, I just ignore it. If I scratch my scalp, dry dead skin flakes off. A ton of it. I can ruffle up my hair and it looks like its snowing. Usually hair will shed with the dried skin flakes, but I'm not sure if that's related to the dryness or just shedding from the medications and treatment I'm using.

I do use a conditioner daily after the nizoral shampoo. I have usually pretty greasy hair, so I've never had a problem with daily shampooing. I also usually use a facial moisturizing cream (with retinol) on my scalp as well.

I'm thinking of adding an additional shampoo with salicylic acid to help exfoliate and remove the dead skin. But this might lead to even more dryness.

Anyway, will dry scalp negatively affect hair growth?


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It's possible, but I don't see how it really could. At the end of the day, it's pretty much DHT attacking your follicles and nothing else, provided you have classic male pattern baldness signs. If you had some sort of rare alopecia-type hair loss where it fell out in unpredictable places then I would worry about it. Aside from that though that sounds pretty miserable bro, you might want to see a dermatologist or try to change up your haircare regimen so you suffer less...

Here For the Lulz

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Scratching your head and poor scalp health can definitely lead to temporary hair loss, but it doesn’t cause balding unless you are scratching hard enough to damage the follicles themselves.

The conditions can correlate, (though nowhere near as strongly as with sebhorreic dermatitis), but there is no causal link.


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It's think it is best to have as perfect a condition of scalp possible for hair growth, think of it as making sure the soil is good for growing a plant. If nizoral isn't doing the job try something else, maybe a salicylic acid would be good like you mentioned like neutrogena t/sal or something, alpecin dandruff killer might be better though.
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Fact of the matter is that dry scalp, seb derm, yada yada yada, has NO impact on male pattern baldness. Yes some people who have male pattern baldness ALSO have these conditions....but these conditions do not cause male pattern baldness or permanent hairloss. DHT is killing follicles UNDERNEATH the skin. The skin conditions are occurring ABOVE. Of course, yes it is better to take care of your scalp but scalp conditions do NOT cause male pattern baldness


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Dry scalp is not good, I wash my hair twice per day have been doing for years and I use Nizoral EOD but I use these shampoos daily, Regenepure DR/Lipogaine BIG3/Revita, these all contain 1% Ketaconazol.

I also oil my scalp with these Divine Herbal oils, originally prior to these I would mix coconut and castor oil. I use these every other day and leave over night with my head covered to allow these oils to absorb and replace my lost oils from excessive washing.
