what are the side effects of Finasteride?


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dear guys

i have done a search and couldn't find this info.;

what are the expected/possible side effects of using Finasteride?

A comprehensive list?

Cheers. :freaked:



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Give you don't want to read all of that from the link. Propecia was first Proscar which was in 5MG. Finasteride is the drug and it was uses for people who had prostate cancer. They people of Merck which made the drug found out that people that one of main side effect was that hey grew new hair and not peach fuze like Rogaine does. They found out that 1MG was enough to block DHT which is the main reason for hair loss in young men. Merck got it approve from the FDA for a hair loss pill. Which is the biggest breakthrough in hair loss since hair micro hair transplanet.

The side effect in Propecia are they following. 2% of people that use Propecia will get a decrease in their sex drive and pleasure. Less than 1% of men get chest enlargement and beast cancer too. But that was 4 cases out of almost 5000 people using Proscar which was 5MG not 1MG that Propecia is.

Well I guess I didn't shorten it that much but there are more information on that link if you want to get all the information on it. Your chances are slim to get the side effect.


Established Member
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from replies read on this forum you may decide that more than 2% experience sex-drive sides... but as HairLossTalk.com will tell you, since the 2% figure comes from apprived trials then it must be right! :p

I am experiencing sexual sides from finasteride, as are a fair number of people on this site who are on finasteride


Experienced Member
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You must understand that a very some percent of people that use propecia is on this chat room. Most don't talk about it, so the rest of the propecia are out there with no problems with sex drive.


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thank you for your responses.

I am a bit alarmed that there is any risk of any kind of cancer :freaked2: but I do understand that the figures are small.



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Heh heh heh.

Yeah, ALL Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight!!!!

But how come nobody mentioned this?

Somebody wrote this in reply to another of my posts on another site.


Listen to me man. Get on finasteride. I, too, was afraid to pop the pill. But I did so practically expecting the side. So I found an endochronologist to verify I didn't have gynochomastia.

GynoChoMastia? (sound of me looking it up on the internet)
GYNOCHOMASTIA!!!!!!!!!! Owwwwwwww Nooooo!!!!!!!