What daily shampoo do you use?


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I want to add a good quality diary shampoo to my regimen. What do you recommend? Which ones have you used? Which is your favourite?

I don´t know what ingredients are worthy: biotin, pantanol, aloe vera, zinc, caffeine, amino acids... (?)

Objective: keep my NW1,5 hair and above all thicken it if possible (it is THINNNNNNNNNN). I know daily shampoos are believed not to be much effective and to play low role in hairloss, however as I have to wash my hair with something I would like a good shampoo. :pirate:


Agustin Araujo

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I use a Ketoconazole shampoo daily called 'Regenepure DR' and it's helped me a lot with my male pattern baldness. Afterwards, I use Toppik Shampoo and Toppik Conditioner to add volume to my hair so zones that are thin don't stick out as much.

I've currently been thinking about going back to using 'Regenpure NT' and trying the new 'Regenepure Intense Volumizing Biotin Conditioner' since the ingredients in them seem to be much healthier for the scalp.


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Thanks for your answer Agustin. I have been reading about Regenepure shampoos and conditioner and they seem very good quality. However they are very expensive, maybe I would give Regenpure NT or the Conditioner a try, but just a few applications per week in order to save. That is I would alternate/ combinate them with my current Johnson´s baby shampoo.

Any cheaper alternatives?


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I bought my first bottle of Regenepure DR last year. While I can't say yet its helped with my hair loss, it's definitely a fantastic quality shampoo.

After 2 months of using it I still have plenty left. I figure you have to spend money on shampoo anyways, mind as well buy the good stuff.


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Ok Buddy , The first thing is Regenepure is Great when it comes to ingredients , But honestly it made my hair so dry and looks very thin and down.

If you read the reviews on amazon some other people complain about that also , By the way I agree and confirm its really great shampoo and may works perfectly for you.

I personally Use lipogaine big 3 and its great , It lathers well and ingredients are good and its a high quality shampoo , Its 25 $ and if its expensive for you I understand but can you believe I use that for 2 months and half and still have more than half bottle ? Seriously ! Because it lathers very well and I also keep my hair
short , So I can use that for 6 months and it would be like 4 dollars each month ! Go for it and you won't get regret .

Wolf Pack

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What other treatments do you have in your regimen?

Think I know where this is going, necessary though.



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Think I know where this is going, necessary though.


If you mean I don't use finasteride nor minoxidil you are very correct. I am alergic to minoxidil and regarding finasteride I used it for 2 years and I had enough...
So I have try them and I can't use them.

My regimen is resumed in "view my regimen". Maybe it is not all I could do, but that's why I asked for high - quality shampoos. Thanks.

- - - Updated - - -

What other treatments do you have in your regimen?

View my regimen. Thanks.


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I am not trying to be rude, but your regimen will not do $#it to stop your hair loss. I haven't seen your pics, but I am assuming you have little to no hair loss. Nobody in their right mind that actually cares about their looks and stopping their hair loss would attempt to stop it with that regimen. It is as good as doing absolutely nothing. I get that you are against using finasteride, and that is all fine and good, but at the very least you should consider experimentals at this point. At the end of the day it is your hair. You have the right to do with it whatever you want, including losing it.


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I am not trying to be rude, but your regimen will not do $#it to stop your hair loss. I haven't seen your pics, but I am assuming you have little to no hair loss. Nobody in their right mind that actually cares about their looks and stopping their hair loss would attempt to stop it with that regimen. It is as good as doing absolutely nothing. I get that you are against using finasteride, and that is all fine and good, but at the very least you should consider experimentals at this point. At the end of the day it is your hair. You have the right to do with it whatever you want, including losing it.

Thanks for your help. What experimentals?


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I know you don't want to take finasteride, but what about RU? I know that get's thrown around a lot, but it does appear to be working for some guys. To make it clear, I have not used it so I am not speaking from experience. I have thought about adding it to my regimen though, and would definitely give it a try if for some reason I can no longer use finasteride.

Agustin Araujo

My Regimen
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I know you don't want to take finasteride, but what about RU? I know that get's thrown around a lot, but it does appear to be working for some guys. To make it clear, I have not used it so I am not speaking from experience. I have thought about adding it to my regimen though, and would definitely give it a try if for some reason I can no longer use finasteride.

Have you ever thought of taking Dutasteride? You probably won't need to use RU58841 if you add Dutasteride into your regimen.


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Have you ever thought of taking Dutasteride? You probably won't need to use RU58841 if you add Dutasteride into your regimen.

I am keeping dutasteride as a plan B. I have gotten decent results from the Big 3, just looking to possibly add RU to see if I can get more regrowth.


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To the OP
As you are not a finasteride troll, im sorry as i judged you wrong before.
As for treatments id say you should check out these
1.Bhringraj and castor oil-They help with regrowth.For studies id say just google it(Too lazy to find and post them :p)
2.Miconazole nitrate-Its an ointment that is like ketaconazole.It acts better than keto some of the guys on the forum say.No shampoo as of now
3.Also look into Azleaic acid vitamin b6 and zinc-They were found to inhibit 90% of DHT when used topically.As you are not using minoxidil you could benefit from it coz zinc and minoxidil don't go well.Google it and also search for Zix and Super zix.
4.Piroctone olamine-This baby was found to thicken hair shafts and was better then both keto and zinc pyrothinite.

As for shampoo's id say look for one that has ketaconazole,Piroctone olamine,Caffiene(Help with DHT and fungal problems),niacin,amino acids(Good for volumising).
The DHT in blood stream is not very important.Its the one in the scalp thay ensues havoc


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To the OP
As you are not a finasteride troll, im sorry as i judged you wrong before.
As for treatments id say you should check out these
1.Bhringraj and castor oil-They help with regrowth.For studies id say just google it(Too lazy to find and post them :p)
2.Miconazole nitrate-Its an ointment that is like ketaconazole.It acts better than keto some of the guys on the forum say.No shampoo as of now
3.Also look into Azleaic acid vitamin b6 and zinc-They were found to inhibit 90% of DHT when used topically.As you are not using minoxidil you could benefit from it coz zinc and minoxidil don't go well.Google it and also search for Zix and Super zix.
4.Piroctone olamine-This baby was found to thicken hair shafts and was better then both keto and zinc pyrothinite.

As for shampoo's id say look for one that has ketaconazole,Piroctone olamine,Caffiene(Help with DHT and fungal problems),niacin,amino acids(Good for volumising).
The DHT in blood stream is not very important.Its the one in the scalp thay ensues havoc

Thank you! I also judged you wrong Nadester, you seem to know or have looked for a lot about hair treating apart from the big 3 and that was my question. I will look for more information about those.

Regarding Notcoolanymore words: you are right my hairloss is not very aggresive and I realistically think that I can have kind of acceptable hair until my last 20s. However you have seen I didn't surrender I have tried for months-years the big 3 and you know that sometimes people have to quit. My plan is never to come back to finasteride if I can.

Though with softer arsenal I still want to fight and that's why I asked about shampoos. I know they can't stop my hairloss or regrow hair but I like to think that if I treat my hair like a king I could slow hairloss and wait for newer treatments to come in the future or save money in order to surgery and so. I don't know and I try not to be stressed thinking about it.

I have to admit that I know very little about RU, surgery or any treatments out of the big 3. Where can I find information about RU?


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Check out Follacure.com
This is where i got to know about most of the treatments.
Also search for "Understanding Androgenic Alopecia". Really good explanation of male pattern baldness. Its on the forum's New research thread i think. You will get to know more.
As for RU:- Its the only drug that was meant to combat male pattern baldness unlike finasteride or minoxidil. What it does is simple, it competes with DHT for thr AR receptors at scalp. Hellouser made a good guide on how to use it at *********talk i think. Their is no proper side effect profile for it so not sure how it could affect one.
You can find more at pubmed and gll-get a life too.


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I have a question for all of you did any of you know what causes vellus hairs to turn terminal? A little tip what binds to androgen receptor?