What determines the chances for a good hair transplant


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I'm 35 YOU Norwood 3.5-4
I did 5 years ago 2600 FUE hair transplant that failed.

I want to give it one more chance, I have a pretty good donor area. I need around 3200-3600 grafts to cover my scalp.

So what is the most important thing in a FUE hair transplant:
1) The doctors skills to harvest the grafts while not damaging the hair follicle and then transplant the grafts in such way that the will look natural.

2) The man's genetics that determines whether the grafts will not be rejected.

3) The post hair transplant regiment to keep the follicles alive and intact.

What is considered a good % of follicles that will grow 6 months after the hair transplant? 80%? 90%?

Thanks a lot
Merry Christmas and happy new year