What do u guys advice?


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Hi All,

This is my first post but have been visiting this site whenever I can. Here's my problem. I guess i've been receeding since i was 20 but it only kicked in 4 years later that i was losing hair badly. Right now my hair is getting thin and i have receeded at the temples which is like a V shape. However i can see a lot of baby hair where my hairline used to be. In general my hair is thin on top but is not really noticable when i get a haircut, it usually shows up when its long. However, i started taking propecia 1mg 3 weeks ago and use nizoral every 3rd day. Is there anything else that I could do that would help fill in the temples and thicking my hair? I have noticed since taking on propecia that i seem to have more hair fallout but ive also had patches where id lose alot of hair before takin propecia. I think it is a bit earlier for any shreds from propecia as its only been a couple of weeks. I was thinking about adding headway (generic minoxidil) but I dont quite know if i should wait or start now.

Any help would be useful. Thanks

P.S. has anyone been in my state and experienced regrowth?


Senior Member
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Stay on Propecia and use Nizoral or T/Gel shampoo. You don't need to add anything on your regime yet. And yes, you will notice increased fallout in the beginning while on finasteride as, to make it simple, the bad hairs are making way for the good ones.

Keep truckin',

The shedder

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Maybe minoxidil to your temples if you want to apply it to the desired area twice a day.