what do u guys think


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hey. i have used propecia for six months now, but i stopped taking them for about two weeks ago, because it didn't work for me, only did my hair alot thinner, and sexual side effects.and because it's so f*****g expensive(150 dollarsfor three months in norway)
what do u guys think, should i start with it again, because now i know that the sexual stuff comes from taking propecia.???
and if i start up again. can i do it with proscar(i think that's what it's called) since that is alot cheaper??
anyone ?


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Proscar and Propecia are the same drug

Proscar is 5mg of finasteride and Propecia is 1mg of finasteride.

You should buy Proscar and divide the pill into 5 parts and take one of these each day.

Try http://www.qhi.co.uk for Proscar