What do you classify as balding?


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So the norwood scale goes from 1- 6. Ballding gets discuessed here heavily, so in your opinion (ideally with pics) what is the first stage of balding?


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According to what I have read, NW3 is classified as balding. NW2 is more realistic of a mature hairline.


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DoctorHouse said:
According to what I have read, NW3 is classified as balding. NW2 is more realistic of a mature hairline.

What does a mature hairline actually look like, NW3 and 2 look similar.

And say someone hits the mature hairline, is there a good chance that it can just stablise there? Or if it does receed, receeds really really slowly. And is it common for a lot of guys to develop a mature hairline...from your experience?


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Vince Vaughan is a good example he has a mature hairline (probably had it 15 yrs) And his hair will probably be almost the same in another 15 yrs. I'd certainly bet he wont be totally bald.


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s.a.f said:
Vince Vaughan is a good example he has a mature hairline (probably had it 15 yrs) And his hair will probably be almost the same in another 15 yrs. I'd certainly bet he wont be totally bald.

Is he a NW2?

If you are a NW2 with a mature hairline, how do you know if it will escalate into a NW3. Seems all a bit hit and miss too me.


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Oknow said:
If you are a NW2 with a mature hairline, how do you know if it will escalate into a NW3. Seems all a bit hit and miss too me.
You dont, but in that situation the best way to predict would be by looking at your relatives.


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finfighter said:
Vince vaugnh has hairloss, thats not the hairline of somebody who does not have a predisposition to DHT, he probably takes finasteride to maintain.

I've seen plenty of people with hairlines like that and I'd doubt any of them were on finasteride.
I've no idea if Vince is on finasteride but that just looks like a mature hairline to me.

uncomfortable man

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I think receeders have more of a chance at hairloss naturaly haulting as oppossed to a diffuse thinner. I have never seen diffuse thinning just stop naturaly in it's tracks without winding up with the inevitable horseshoe. I was a bad diffuse thinner.


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uncomfortable man said:
I think receeders have more of a chance at hairloss naturaly haulting as oppossed to a diffuse thinner. I have never seen diffuse thinning just stop naturaly in it's tracks without winding up with the inevitable horseshoe. I was a bad diffuse thinner.

Is a diffuse thinner one that loses it all over?


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uncomfortable man said:
I think receeders have more of a chance at hairloss naturaly haulting as oppossed to a diffuse thinner. I have never seen diffuse thinning just stop naturaly in it's tracks without winding up with the inevitable horseshoe. I was a bad diffuse thinner.

Really I'd have thought you'd have been a receeder,
but receeders hair also thins out as it receeds. Its highly unlikely that hair receeds and the rest stays as thick as it was.


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s.a.f said:
[quote="uncomfortable man":1h5t9tx7]I think receeders have more of a chance at hairloss naturaly haulting as oppossed to a diffuse thinner. I have never seen diffuse thinning just stop naturaly in it's tracks without winding up with the inevitable horseshoe. I was a bad diffuse thinner.

Really I'd have thought you'd have been a receeder,
but receeders hair also thins out as it receeds. Its highly unlikely that hair receeds and the rest stays as thick as it was.[/quote:1h5t9tx7]

I've seen some dudes at my school who have perfect crowns/vertex, but absolutely no hairline. I think it's a NW2a. It looks almost like the border of a NW7 horseshoe, except it stops halfway on top of their head instead of on the back. Thick normal hair, then......nothing.