What do you guys think about galea muscle and scalp tension


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I have been reading up on how scalp tension causes hair loss. I was surprised to find out they even have a product to solve this problem.

I found this on ebay. What do you guys think, can it help hair loss?


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If you believe in that then do scalp exercises instead of throwing away almost £700 on that.


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I did Tom Hagerty's scalp exercise as well as the detumescence massage for 10 and 20 minutes respectively twice each day for nearly two years and it hasn't done jack for my hairline or temples. You can try it if you want, but for your sake, I hope you do not waste your money on that. Just do the exercise and judge it for yourself; it's free.


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The guy in that blog mentioned calcification and scalp getting thickened as causes of male pattern baldness. Isn't that just against common sense? As far as I know bald people have thinner scalp skin with less fat. I have thinner scalp skin where I lose hair myself.