What do you think?


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So I want my temples fixed the crown filled and my hairline lowered again just a TINY bit (my forehead has gotten like xenomorph huge!)

If you look in my sig there are links to my pics in a good res.

Im just asking any docs and people who have knowledge if they think its possible and how many grafts in might take.

I have been on consults but I like all the info I can get.

I am so afraid of it not looking natural and just CONSTANT touch ups since I cant use finasteride. I use minoxidil twice a day and nizoral twice a week.

thanks !


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I think it is possible but make sure you use a ISHRS certified doctor..


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I think it is possible but make sure you use a ISHRS certified doctor..

the one I picked is certified. Im trying to make time to go on a second consult with him just to get a realistic view of what to expect. I also want him to see my head again since its been a few months and I have shedded since stopping finasteride.


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Being certified in itself is not enough, you have to do tons of research, otherwise you're risking the thing you don't want....another surgery to correct a bad hair transplant


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the one I picked is certified. Im trying to make time to go on a second consult with him just to get a realistic view of what to expect. I also want him to see my head again since its been a few months and I have shedded since stopping finasteride.


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well the 28th Im going on a second consult with the guys I picked.

I am honestly super afraid of this. personally I feel if I end up deciding not to Ive wasted this guys time. I just want another idea of the treatment and my expectations. I feel the first consult was more the presentation of the facilities more even though he did go through a lot with me.

I also dont want to be pressured into picking a date right there as I will need to deal with work for the time off first.

I am trying dermarolling as an experimental right now but seriously I doubt it will be the cure all more than just maintenance.

I seriously want my hair loss fixed and my top densified a bit. I also REALLY want to try and have him throw some body (chest, legs ECT) up there in a spot to see how it takes since I Know I will have to dive into those areas in the furture.


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Who you going for consults with/had ?


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Who you going for consults with/had ?

Im in the states
CT to be precise


Out of like 5 I went on he continued to stay on top.

I def want a second consult before committing though because he was also one of the first so my memory has become jumbled from all the garbage other people have said to me. I need to refresh my expectations and goals.


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Don't worry about wasting their time, it is very important you choose the right Doctor, and if I were you i'd not be comfortable until I had found independent patient blogs with good result from the Doctor that you have chosen...and i don't mean just the basic before and after pic, but a blog detailing the whole procedure with photos for month 1 - 3 - 4 -6 etc

All the best docs have these patient blogs. The patient gallery on doctors/clinics website can be useful, but don't depend on just that....the results from this guy look ok, not great, but only ok.

I can't find any patient blogs on this guy, and he's not a part of the hair tran$ plant network.