Hi there,
I've just purchased the LC. I've read somewhere that you can't use it neither in front of a mirror nor while watching TV. Is it true? If it is, what do you then? I listen to music, but Im looking for something with more interest.
Hmmm...actually what I do is just enjoy the quiet fifteen or so minutes that it takes to use the LC. I do find it fascinating though that with so much of life these days being taken up with busy things to do that we find it hard to relax with just fifteen minutes of using the LC BTW you can use the LC as you're standing in front of the mirror just as long as you're not shining it into the mirror.
I've used the LC only once so far. The funny thing is that when i did it I closed my eyes and yet from time to time I saw the "redness" of the laser. I really tried to avoid pointing the laser to my eyes. I guess I'll do a better job next time.
Well, I thought I wasn't able, but I apperantly I can. Im still afraid I would reflect the laser accidently on my eyes. My second attempt is will be on sunday.
My second try was much more successful. The laser didn't get my eyes. I guess using the comb with my eyes open (and not pulling it, of course) had done the trick :!: