What does everyone think of this?



It looked good and I´m 100% that moviestars are using this, atleast when on set.


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Ok fellas sorry to be the bearer of bad news...I've actually researched this stuff pretty extensively because of my diffuse thinning and close proximity to Boston. The procedure seems great at first but if you read the fine print you will realize the procedure is very costly, time-consuming, and hardly seems convenient. First off you have to purchase the hair which I believe is upwards of 800 then must pay for the "stylist" to splice the fake hair into your own hair. This procedure is done either monthly or every few months. They recommend that you replace the fake hair about every 6 months. The price tag ranges from around $3,000-$6,000 per year and provides no permenant solution to your hair loss. It would seem more sensible to save your money (for an hair transplant if thats what your after), get on a regimen, and use a concealer (such as Dermatch or PROTHIK.) If you do not own PROTHIK and you are a diffuse thinner WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU waiting for. I swear to God this product has regained my confidence %100 and have decided to wait at least a few more years for a hair transplant.