what exactly is skin needling/dermaroller?


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So ive seen it mentioned many times on these forums, and ive tried to read about them and find out the deal, but im really lost.
What exactly is it and how does it help hairloss?


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Helps with topical absorption and increases collagen. I don't know how beneficial the latter is for hair loss though.

I am curious, has the S5 Cream helped your hair loss in anyway? I saw it in your regimen.


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i started using s5 cream a little over a month ago. So far no difference in my hair...got some very very tiny hairs on my temples now but they are only noticeable when you look very close and with alot of light. hopefully they start to grow out.

Hows s5 going for you? And do you recommend adding the dermaroller to my regime?


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I am using Dr. Lees lotion. My hair is definitely getting a lot better. Most likely because of the minoxidil and big 3 in general.

The derma roller I can't really help you out there. I bought one but I haven't started using it yet...still haven't gotten it. I think people use it to help with minoxidil absorption but I doubt that is really necessary if you use a strong minoxidil % or so. I'd rather just use one of the stronger things dr. lee offers than use the derma roller and hassle myself. But perhaps it does good for collagen and general skin/hair follicle health I am not sure man.


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The best thing by far you are missing is finasteride. Why are you not using it? I am using it for over 2 months now, no sides. Only that my hair is improving a lot.

It is definitely worth it... without finasteride any hair loss regimen is fighting a losing battle. If you really can't use finasteride then you must invest in some serious topical antiandrogens and dht blockers. Rather use Dr. Lees shampoo, leave it on for a long time in the shower. Buy fluridil and go crazy. But without taking out DHT you WILL lose your hair. I am not sure if spironolactone can do it on it's own. I use it as extra, because dutasteride > finasteride...then spironolactone+finas is probably > finas. lol

Good luck man...


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I dont use finasteride because of bad side effects i got from saw palmetto. I used SP for about a year and got sexual sides from it. It took me like 7 months to get back to normal. I assume that i would have the same sides if i ever tried finasteride.
What exactly is fluridil? I added spironolactone to help with the dht factor, but if fluridil is a stronger dht topical ill definitely switch to that.


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They work in different ways. Fluridil attacks androgen receptors, spironolactone and RU block androgen receptors, and stuff like finasteride removes the 5-alpha reductase from them. So of course if you use all three you are getting a rather comprehensive effect!


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Fluridil is (supposedly) an antiandrogen that blocks androgen receptors, just like spironolactone and RU58841. But the manufacturers of the stuff make an additional claim for it, saying that it also somehow downregulates the synthesis of androgen receptors; however, I'm even more suspicious of THAT claim than I am of the one that it's an antiandrogen! :)


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You don't believe in fluridil? lol Do you believe in spironolactone, Bryan?