What happened to Exodus2011?

Agustin Araujo

My Regimen
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It says under his username 'Banned'. Does anyone know why he got banned all of a sudden? I didn't find him doing anything wrong. Is it just a temporary ban or a permanent one? It will be a tremendous loss to this forum if he doesn't come back or can't come back.

Exodus2011, come back! :sobbing:


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He asked to be banned on one of the threads because he doesn't have self-control maybe it was it.

Agustin Araujo

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He asked to be banned on one of the threads because he doesn't have self-control maybe it was it.

That's really too bad, I hope he didn't make the post for a request like that out of nowhere because he was feeling a certain way. I'm going to miss him if he never comes back.


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I did read the post where he asked to be banned. He said this place was getting to him. I definitely understand the feeling. Not just this place, but dealing with hair loss as a whole can be exhausting. I have recently thought of going back to buzzing my head and trying to put hair loss on the back burner for a few months.

Yeah, I'm going to miss the kid.

On a side note, Exodus gets banned and those spammers that recently invaded the site are still here! WTF?!


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Just decided to quickly check the forum while going to school just to see this sad news. I would definitely miss him since he is one of the few I can relate a bit more to. I get the impression that most here only have to deal with the major problem called hair loss. Ex seems like one of the few that has to deal with more than hairloss while that is devastating enough. Unfortunately I yet have to find someone who said that sometimes his other major problems gets him so much in life that he forgets about hairloss, so I can reply with "I know exacly what you mean".


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I don't blame him this forum makes me feel like **** yet i still keep coming back, like a bad habit.Balding always has bothered me but since joining this forum it's gotten so bad that going bald is no longer an option.Before it was just like if it works out great and if it doesn't at least i tried but now that's pretty much off the table.


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Balding always has bothered me but since joining this forum it's gotten so bad that going bald is no longer an option.Before it was just like if it works out great and if it doesn't at least i tried but now that's pretty much off the table.

Same here. Before the message forums I was just thought I hated the way I look. I had no idea that society hated my look just as much if not more than I do.


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Same here. Before the message forums I was just thought I hated the way I look. I had no idea that society hated my look just as much if not more than I do.

To me it's absolutely getting personal lately. Like even if everyone else thought it was OK... I look at myself in the mirror and can't stand what I see. I look at myself and think "You're gonna do this **** to ME?" It's really nasty too, how much of our lives experience we associate with our image. When I had that NW1 sharp look, it was completely different you know, you could express yourself and be whatever and it wouldn't be an issue.... now I try go back doing the same things looking like this and I feel like an old creep, and I'm not even that far gone yet NW2 with some diffuse. I imagine if I went completely bald I'd feel like an intruder in my own life.

Wolf Pack

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It would be good to have him back regardless, once he feels a bit better about coming on here.

- - - Updated - - -

I have recently thought of going back to buzzing my head and trying to put hair loss on the back burner for a few months.

Yeah, I'm going to miss the kid.

On a side note, Exodus gets banned and those spammers that recently invaded the site are still here! WTF?!

The spammers are well annoying, we need a mod who is on here a bit more.

The picture you posted one time of your hair with wax in it, I thought it looked okay, unless it wasn't really representative of how it looks daily.

- - - Updated - - -

To me it's absolutely getting personal lately. Like even if everyone else thought it was OK... I look at myself in the mirror and can't stand what I see. I look at myself and think "You're gonna do this **** to ME?" It's really nasty too, how much of our lives experience we associate with our image. When I had that NW1 sharp look, it was completely different you know, you could express yourself and be whatever and it wouldn't be an issue.... now I try go back doing the same things looking like this and I feel like an old creep, and I'm not even that far gone yet NW2 with some diffuse. I imagine if I went completely bald I'd feel like an intruder in my own life.

I empathise. Just read this properly now. Have to say, I worry about that too. But the mind can often adapt to a lot of adversity over time. Premature loss of looks is a worry for me as well as the whole identity thing. We live in a time with treatment options, for that we must be eternally grateful.

Agustin Araujo

My Regimen
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I did read the post where he asked to be banned. He said this place was getting to him. I definitely understand the feeling. Not just this place, but dealing with hair loss as a whole can be exhausting. I have recently thought of going back to buzzing my head and trying to put hair loss on the back burner for a few months.

Yeah, I'm going to miss the kid.

On a side note, Exodus gets banned and those spammers that recently invaded the site are still here! WTF?!

Yes, I found the post where he asked to be banned. And yes, dealing with hair loss is quite exhausting, especially keeping up with treatments.

Yet, his request to get banned, temporary hopefully, he got it fast. But lately for like the past couple of days, there have been spammers invading this site and they keep coming back. There needs to be better monitoring on this forum once again.

Just decided to quickly check the forum while going to school just to see this sad news. I would definitely miss him since he is one of the few I can relate a bit more to. I get the impression that most here only have to deal with the major problem called hair loss. Ex seems like one of the few that has to deal with more than hairloss while that is devastating enough. Unfortunately I yet have to find someone who said that sometimes his other major problems gets him so much in life that he forgets about hairloss, so I can reply with "I know exacly what you mean".

I went to check this forum as well just like you did and I noticed that he's banned, and was upsetting for me, I'm still upset about it. I can definitely relate to him as well. I've got other problems to that are hard to deal with as well other than hair loss. Yes, dealing with hair loss is already devastating enough as it is, especially that he was NW6 at age 20 which is rare and incredibly unfortunate.

It would be good to have him back regardless, once he feels a bit better about coming on here.


If anything, the most important thing for him in my opinion, is for him to feel better about himself, even if it means for him to indefinitely quit this forum. If that's the case, I'll be more than glad to respect that decision if it means for him to help being happy.


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I don't blame him this forum makes me feel like **** yet i still keep coming back, like a bad habit.Balding always has bothered me but since joining this forum it's gotten so bad that going bald is no longer an option.Before it was just like if it works out great and if it doesn't at least i tried but now that's pretty much off the table.

This is probably the most depressing and negative hairloss forum out there.

Far too many people pass off their experiences as fact and sweepingly apply it across the board. Everyone is different, every nation, culture, ethnicity etc is different and yet so many broad assumptions are passed on here.

There is some great help in terms of what to use and what to do. However in terms of life - this is the worst place for advice.

- - - Updated - - -

Same here. Before the message forums I was just thought I hated the way I look. I had no idea that society hated my look just as much if not more than I do.

I hope that was sarcasm?

Society does not hate bald people. This is a forum for hairloss though, therefore you are reading specifically about this topic by people who experience it, therefore the topic is magnified and given self-importance far outwith it's real importance.

Agustin Araujo

My Regimen
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This is probably the most depressing and negative hairloss forum out there.

Then why are you even on here if you have such a pessimistic view of this place?

This is a hair loss forum, where many of us have been emotionally, mentally, and psychologically distressed by alopecia. We're here to help one another and give each other support.


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Then why are you even on here if you have such a pessimistic view of this place?

This is a hair loss forum, where many of us have been emotionally, mentally, and psychologically distressed by alopecia. We're here to help one another and give each other support.

Because there are a few members who are genuinely pretty good. The information in terms of what you can do (treatments and hair transplant etc) is great, genuinely second to none.

However the pessimism and life advice is shocking to say the least. People who even add a bit of optimism are shouted down. When in reality so many people talk nonsense and pass it off as fact. You say 'we're here to help and give each other support' and yet I see very little of this with guys who put up articles or even their own life stories about accepting baldness. Far too many times they are shot down with derogatory remarks. Just because other folk are insecure and blame everything on their hairloss, does not mean life can't be good for other hair loss sufferers. Far too many on here are doom and gloom merchants who will not be helping other posters.


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You're free to share whatever viewpoints or experiences that you want, most people on forums didn't have many positive experiences hence why they post on an hair loss forum.

It's like the old saying, if the service is good people don't say anything but if they got a bad service you can bet that they'll let the whole world know about it.

Agustin Araujo

My Regimen
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You're free to share whatever viewpoints or experiences that you want, most people on forums didn't have many positive experiences hence why they post on an hair loss forum.

It's like the old saying, if the service is good people don't say anything but if they got a bad service you can bet that they'll let the whole world know about it.

Good point resu.

Though, it's human nature to easily get fixated on something negative, like the service example you gave. Someone can go to a place 100 times like a restaurant, 99 of the visits had good service and won't say anything and just move on, but will fixate on that 1 visit where they didn't get good service. Again, it's human nature.


Now that Exodus2011 is back, it would be nice for all of us to give him a nice warm welcome back. :heart:


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Welcome back EXODUS!