What Happened To My Donor Zone......do You Know?


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My donor zone has a clear dividing line when viewed in person. It goes from dark brown to gray instantly. So what happened? How well do you know the hair transplantation procedure? Enough to have the answer instantly off the top of your head?

There are guys out there that rush to the hurricane zone with their pick up truck and tools. They know there are lots of desperate people that need their roof fixed and they need it NOW. But those home owners don't know much about construction and the guy in his pick up truck is building that load bearing surface with 2 x 4's or 2 x 6's because it's easier and cheaper for him. But what happens over time?

Same applies to hair transplantation you need to understand it like the homeowner needs to understand construction if you want to be safe.

You need to know what you don't know not what you already know.

The more you know the more you know you don't know. Socrates




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If you guessed a strip was removed and that strip would have eventually become the area that would have blended it all together but it’s gone then you know a little something about hair transplantation. So why doesn’t the patient grow their hair long? Ah……….with reduced density the hair does not lay flat especially if the nape area thins and maybe you knew that too. You need some underbrush in order for hair to lay properly. Take a good look at Mickey Rourke’s hair piece the phenomenon is familiar. The hair at the back of the head starts to stick out because there is not enough underneath same with head hair when it’s too long as you grow older so it ends up looking ridiculous. You have to have a shorter cut. But you will expose the scar you say…………….ah……….yes you are learning…………keep doing that keep learning and practice on paper.

You will notice many in the industry talking numbers now…………realistic numbers but even more then the numbers they seem to be revealing more, why? Because they simply have no choice the truth is the truth. When you leave the details out it’s called marketing fraud by the FTC’s own definition. Many of those perusing the forums in the past who were left in the dark are simply victims. They didn’t understand it was not what they knew it was what they didn’t know............hee hee.............that's why they are marketers............they are not smarter then you but they will do what you probably wouldn't do but you don't understand that because it's not something you would do and you think everyone is like you................yeah I get it.....................but they are not like you or me.

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