"Biology is being reduced in cost 5-6 times faster than Moore's Law" Why Bio is the New Digital - Joi Ito keynote
Desmond put up that second link first.
That's cute. Allow me to take a big fat dump on your optimism, or at least, to put things in perspective.
Here's a rhetorical question: can you name me one medical breakthrough of these past few decades that constitutes a change in paradigm? My answer? From someone who dabbled in med school for four years and still has ties with the medical world, I'm willing to bet that you can't come up with a single thing.
Vaccines - 19th century
Morphine - 19th
Organ transplants - late 19th (I'm aware that further improvements allowed for more organ types)
X-ray - early 20th
Antibiotics - early 20th
Insulin therapy - early 20th
Aspirin - early 20th
Antidepressants - mid-20th
Birth control as a pill - mid-20th
And no, I don't count v**** as a paradigm-changer, especially since its discovery was fortuitious, nor statins for hypercholesterolemia, their efficacy being questionable, nor any other "medication" that's designed to counteract diseases that stem from an ailing lifestyle like so-called "metabolic syndrome".
There is still no cure for cancer - chemo and radiations are sometimes worse than the illness itself -, nor for HIV, Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, cystic fibrosis, multiple sclerosis, arthritis, etc.
The news media keep feeding people bullsh-t of so-called miraculous cures, gene therapy and silver bullets that are just a few years away, as they've done for the past 30 years but the truth is there's nothing coming out for decades still. Nevermind growing back a single fvcking follicle. So enough of this blind optimism already.