What if you really don't have male pattern baldness and take finasteride?


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What if you are prescribed to take finasteride and take it for a while, but you really don't have male pattern baldness (lets say your baldness was caused by something other than male pattern baldness). What adverse effects could there be? Could this cause your hair to be dependant on finasteride and make you go bald if you stop finasteride?


No real adverse effects and no it can't make your hair dependent on finasteride. finasteride will stop some hair from falling out that would have but it doesn't make hair that wouldn't have fallen out dependent on it.


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The only effects you might get are the sides associated with finasteride, but that hasn´t got anything to do with male pattern baldness, only with your body´s reaction to reduced DHT and increased testosterone and oestrogen.


icet said:
so my hair wouldn't start falling out if i stopped finasteride?

finasteride may stop hair from falling out that would have fallen out otherwise, as i said. but it doesn't make hair dependent on it. it just stops hair loss so if your bald genes are strong and you stop the finasteride then the hair could fall out because the finasteride was keeping it on your head.


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your hair will get a bit thicker and will not thin as much as you age. finasteride is so harmless. just make sure you don't have prostate cancer before you start. you are supposed to get a liver check, but I don't know if liver problems are as common as testicular cancer, and i know most people don't get their testicles checked or test them themselves. so unless someone tells me liver problems are common, I'm not spending the money on a lab test. you can.

if you start finasteride young enough, it can lower your chances of getting prostate cancer. if you start older, the reduced risk of getting it is balanced by the risk of it speeding up some cancer that might develop. finasteride does not make it develop, though.