What if your already shedding before treatment?


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I been shedding even before i started propecia which i just did last week i started off taking half a pill for 3 days then another half 2 days now im up to every other day..and next week i probably go for everyday half a pill .5mg..
but see i already shed anyway before propecia mostly in the front i know this from washing my hair and seeing more hair on hands after washing the front than back..so..Does this mean i will lose even more hair..or will propecia slowly after say a month maybe stop my shed i been having for sometie..keep in mind im also highly stressed and frequently depressed about alot in my life other than hair...thank you


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I know from my expierence that I was shedding like a fiend before I started proscar. The shed however continued on for a while. I do not remember the exact time or month but now I do not shed nearly that much. I used to lose quite a bit in the shower and now I am not losing that much so I would say that I have stabalized. Anyway it helped me but patience was the key. Why are you taking such a low dosage and do you ever plan on taking the full 1mg?


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your shedding before treatment was probably due to just regular old male pattern baldness shedding (aka increase in hair loss) as to whether or not propecia will cause you to shed more, who knows?? some people don't shed much and just see a slow decrease in hair loss, others shed in cycles. you'll have to wait and see, either way, don't be discouraged, people have seen results both ways.

hey, not on topic, but 21 gone, you know anything about the sequel to boondock saints coming out??? I heard it was without willem dafoe?


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Last I heard was that Dafoe had a scheduling conflict. They were supposed to start filming it sometime in November.


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Ripping a toilet out of your apartment and dropping it off an apartment building onto a Russian has to be one of the best things you can do in a bad situation.