what if.....


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What if you had a full head of hair for one month.....what would you do differently with your daily life...... :roll:

hair mchair

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ugh said:
What if you had a full head of hair for one month.....what would you do differently with your daily life...... :roll:

Probably find a better looking woman to bone than your mom.


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Olorin said:
I'd shave my head to spite Grantspots.
Dude! Where's the love?

If I had hair for only a month I'd hang out at the best clubs and bone all the gorgeous women I could. Just like I used to. And since I'm still the svelte 5'4" 285 lb acne scarred introverted hunk I was before I lost my hair, it should be no problem.

jerry grant


Grantspots said:
Olorin said:
I'd shave my head to spite Grantspots.
Dude! Where's the love?

If I had hair for only a month I'd hang out at the best clubs and bone all the gorgeous women I could. Just like I used to. And since I'm still the svelte 5'4" 285 lb acne scarred introverted hunk I was before I lost my hair, it should be no problem.

jerry grant

You say that, but if you get an hair transplant then you'll be able to do that again.

Is that a road you will be going up?

I know it'll cost £$£$£$£$£$£$ but it'll be well worth it. Don't you think?

Bascaily your statment is saying "if I had hair, I would regain my confidence, looks and life again"

I agree, it makes *that* much diffefence.

sounds well worth the risk to me.


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not all hair transplant's are good

i had one that f*****g sucked

payed an arm and a leg, now i have a stupid scar on my head and i wont be able to shave it for a long *** time

do your research on this b4 you decide to
risky risky risky


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i recently read alot about hair transplants and after reading both negative and positive articles ive come to the conclusion that the only men who should get a hair transplant are the ones that are nearly close to "not having enough donor hair"

we all know the positive aspects of having a hair transplant but ill list the negative ones (and there maybe more that i dont know of or forgot)

-the pain of surgery
-the cost of surgery
-the disfigured look of getting the grafts
-you still have to take propecia and minoxidil after
-the doctor could deform you for life
-the results will not give you the hairline or hair thickness you once had (man of the "highly recommended" surgeons state this)
-infection could be caused
-takes multiple sessions with surgeons (cant get your hair taken care of in one appointment)
-the hair transplanted doesnt grow for months
-the donor area stands a chance of not growing back
-the hairline could look "unnatural" being too far forward


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Gunner said:
You say that, but if you get an hair transplant then you'll be able to do that again. Is that a road you will be going up? I know it'll cost £$£$£$£$£$£$ but it'll be well worth it. Don't you think? Bascaily your statment is saying "if I had hair, I would regain my confidence, looks and life again" I agree, it makes *that* much diffefence. Sounds well worth the risk to me.
I never did that in the first place - I was only joking. I'm 6', 180lbs and have always had a good feeling for myself. As for hair transplant's, I had 4 of them at age 28 in 1988 - pretty much as a confidence builder as I was still single and vain. If treatments were available then as they are now, I definitely would have waited.

Did I regain confidence? Yes, but not on a "off the chart" magnitude. But even a little can go a long way.

I would recommend exploring all other options before surgery. Once you go down that path, there's no looking back. While the upside potential is very good, the possibility of getting into an endless and expensive cycle of "repair" work is to be considered also.

jerry grant


zak84 said:
i recently read alot about hair transplants and after reading both negative and positive articles ive come to the conclusion that the only men who should get a hair transplant are the ones that are nearly close to "not having enough donor hair"

we all know the positive aspects of having a hair transplant but ill list the negative ones (and there maybe more that i dont know of or forgot)

-the pain of surgery
-the cost of surgery
-the disfigured look of getting the grafts
-you still have to take propecia and minoxidil after
-the doctor could deform you for life
-the results will not give you the hairline or hair thickness you once had (man of the "highly recommended" surgeons stMy ate this)
-infection could be caused
-takes multiple sessions with surgeons (cant get your hair taken care of in one appointment)
-the hair transplanted doesnt grow for months
-the donor area stands a chance of not growing back
-the hairline could look "unnatural" being too far forward

I have had three hair transplants so far over the span of about 15 yrs.

My thought about your thoughts are:

They did not really hurt
I never thought the grafts looked bad,,certainly not disfiguring. The healing process is complete in about 10 days. Before that you just wear a hat.
My three turned out just fine. Look fine and natural.
Yes you do need to take drugs on an ongoing basis. No change here.
the donor area stands a chance of not growing back????Not really.
Yes the doctor could make mistakes. Deform you for life? Hmmmm.
Yes the hairline COULD look unatural.

And you could be hit by a bus, etc etc. etc.

Hey, if you can't do the time, don't do the crime.