what is better? 17a stradiol or spironolactone?


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please guys, anyone know this question?
spironolactone reality works? anyone have a great results?
and 17a stradiol? in this forum anyone using this product?
what is better in yours opinion?

thanks for the answers.

Kevin fretwell

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Is that anything like flutamide because flutamide is three times better than spironolactone . Thats something I've read on the internet by a dermatologist .


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17a-estradiol isn't that new. It is much weaker than Finasteride and has been used to treat women-male pattern baldness (contradictio in adjecto).



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17a-estradiol isn't that new. It is much weaker than Finasteride and has been used to treat women-male pattern baldness (contradictio in adjecto).



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yes, otto von bismarck, i know fina is the better treatment for hairloss.
the 17 alfa stradiol is only a complement to the treatment.
here brazil 17 a stradiol has been used for hairloss. the problem is a high cost.
however, spironolactone is a low cost here and i want to change 17 AE for spironolactone(spironolactone cost 1/5 to the 17 AE).
but my doubt is: what is better?


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There's a poster on HLH named "Against Wind" who has had great success with 17a estradiol. He had previously tried both 2% and 5% spironolactone previously without success.

I have also read a few other testimonials from users who claimed 17a helped them when spironolactone didn't.

In the end, it is your choice. I just recently started 17a myself(I have used 2% and 5% spironolactone in the past), so I will keep you updated in the upcoming months.


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The stuff is called Ell Cranell Alpha, and I bought it at an online overseas pharmacy. Yuo can also buy it at http://www.lipoxidil.com but it is MUCH more expensive there.

If you want to use the overseas pharmacy, you can pay by Paypal. 55 euros($64) will get you about a 3 month supply. Send the payment to: chiasso@merlonipharma.ch


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JWM said:
There's a poster on HLH named "Against Wind" who has had great success with 17a estradiol. He had previously tried both 2% and 5% spironolactone previously without success.

I have also read a few other testimonials from users who claimed 17a helped them when spironolactone didn't.

In the end, it is your choice. I just recently started 17a myself(I have used 2% and 5% spironolactone in the past), so I will keep you updated in the upcoming months.

tks, JWM. in brazil 17 alfa stradiol name's is AVICIS and the manufacturer is the same of cranell alpha