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I have diffuse loss and have a receeded hairline. I am approaching the end of my second month on finasteride. I was wondering if you experience regrowth from propecia, is the growth by making ur really thin vellous hairs into thick terminal hairs or can it sprout hairs where u have lost them. Basically, is propecia's regrowth capabilities restricted to making thin areas thicker or can it repair areas that have recession, such as the front hairline? From wut ive read it seems that propecia' regrowth properties are best for thinning areas, whereas minoxidil is good for thinning areas and receeded areas, is this correct? The reason i ask is cause i using propecia only and am hoping it can fix my receeded slanted hairline as well as thicken up the rest of my hair. Many of u know of Diddy who has had amazing results on propecia, but he has just informed me that while he has had amazing results his hairline has basically stayed the same. Is there Anybody out there that has used propecia only and has reversed recession on the hairline?


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Well from reading some many people's stories, I wouldn't get your hopes too high on alot of hairline regrowth from Propecia (minoxidil success is also generally in the crown).

There are a few who seem to have great progress with their hairlines (badhairdecade for example), but they appear to be the minority. Maintenance is what the majority seem get from finasteride.