What Is My Norwood Stage,and Hair Transplant


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Im 25 years old male,and i started losing my hair at age 20.I dont use any treatment because im scared of side effects of medication,but im interested to get hair transplant.My father is norwood 5 at age 51,and my grandfather from mother side is norwood 4 at age 75.I dont losing hair anymore now for like 1 year,and i want to know if its now the right time to go on hair transplantation?Here are my pictures:


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If you are sure your hairloss has stabilized (also because to be honest it has already gone very far) then a surgeon will tell you if you are a good candidate based on:
- how good your donor area is
- your expectations
I have to say your case will not be very very easy because your pattern is a bit diffuse: there isn't a precise, single area where new hair can be transplanted.

The transplanted hair might be all over the place, pun intended.


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What Roberto said, you're diffuse thinning in a NW5 or 6 pattern. There's no way you'll stay like tgT forever so without meds a hair transplant wouldn't be a good idea. You would need a surgeon very skilled in transplanting between existing hair to avoid shock loss. It's possible, but not a good idea.

My advice would be finasteride and minoxidil, I've seen some cases worse than yours had great results with those. Maybe after 2 years on finasteride/minoxidil you could get a hair transplant.


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Thank you for replies guys,so i will like to get hair transplanted especially on my top area and bit on my crown first,then if i need i will go on second procedure later.One surgeon told me,that im good candidate,but i need so called mega session,when can be moved up to 5000 grafts in single procedure.Guys im afraid of propecia like Hell,especially because im on SSRI,sertraline for my anxiety,and yet now i have a little loss of libido,i think propecia will worsen these simptoms,what do u think?what about only minoxodil or just propecia 0,25mg?


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Thanks,so all of u guys saying that im diffusing thinner so that mean,that my donor area will get thinner too? I had consultation with dermatologist last year and he told me nothing about diffuse thinning,but only prescribe me propecia and minoxidil,which i dont bought,because i was too much afraid.I dont wanna lose my gains in gym and grow man-boobs,if u know what i mean.My father doesnt show diffuse thinning,so doesnt my grandfather,how in the earth i have this? Im sure every surgeon will told me that im a good candidate because of money.


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Thanks,so all of u guys saying that im diffusing thinner so that mean,that my donor area will get thinner too? I had consultation with dermatologist last year and he told me nothing about diffuse thinning,but only prescribe me propecia and minoxidil,which i dont bought,because i was too much afraid.I dont wanna lose my gains in gym and grow man-boobs,if u know what i mean.My father doesnt show diffuse thinning,so doesnt my grandfather,how in the earth i have this? Im sure every surgeon will told me that im a good candidate because of money.
Lol what.

Where do you people read up about this crap?

Loose gains
Grow tits

Worst case scenario you start getting an itch around your chest. Come off.../done

How could propecia possibly make you loose muscle? Dht has almost no receptors and role in growing muscles. Testosterone is what grows muscle


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i read most horror stories on propeciahelp.com.I know that testosterone is responsible for muscle grow,but DHT is something that make muscle harder and more shredded looking(Winstrol,anavar) for example.


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i read most horror stories on propeciahelp.com.I know that testosterone is responsible for muscle grow,but DHT is something that make muscle harder and more shredded looking(Winstrol,anavar) for example.
it doesn't make a difference. I've been taking steroids for over 2 years straight. If it did, it's marginal at best.

No such compound as a drug that makes you shredded and diced up. Tren doesn't make you 'shredded' I suppose you believe testosterone Maes yu bloofy and hold water like most? I get shredded on testosterone like any other Chem.

Truth is that its all about genetics and response to drugs. If you were not shredded and cut up naturally, even with drug use it will still be an issue.

I mean.. I am sitting on tesosterone at 250mg a week with veins all over. Must be the tren and winstrol brah!


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ahhh im so confused,somebody say that propecia is devil drug and some that is like "nothing".If by any chance i get gyno or hypogonadism cause by propecia will insurance pay me for operation,or Doctor put me on TRT? Because i dont wanna live with low libido and limp dick like guys on propeciahelp.com.Or i will just get hair transplant without medications and praying for the best.


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Choose yur fate. Side effects of being bald are worse then taking finasteride

Its rele a no brainer.

Amazes me how scared people are of this drug yet people pop anti depressants, aphetamines(adhd drugs) like they are skittles. Without a worry. Countless amounts of people in rehabs because of withdrawls. People abusing opiates with severe effects yet still have no issues taking them.

Yet people are almost on death row with finasteride lmao

The Internet can make anyone a sucker.

Take it or bald. I think you know what's more sensible


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how about you? do you taking finasteride? do u ever suffer any side effects?


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it doesn't make a difference. I've been taking steroids for over 2 years straight. If it did, it's marginal at best.

No such compound as a drug that makes you shredded and diced up. Tren doesn't make you 'shredded' I suppose you believe testosterone Maes yu bloofy and hold water like most? I get shredded on testosterone like any other Chem.

Truth is that its all about genetics and response to drugs. If you were not shredded and cut up naturally, even with drug use it will still be an issue.

I mean.. I am sitting on tesosterone at 250mg a week with veins all over. Must be the tren and winstrol brah!
yeah, when I first roided I was already shredded and had good natty gains, I blew up on 500mg of test far more than I had seen at least 5 other noobs who started with nothing. And I swear these guys weren just taking test, a few had been through test, deca and tren at least. Truly pitiful stuff. I also knew a guy once who couldn't even squat more than 80kg after a test cycle. Like lol f*****g what.

Anyway I went from a fit guy to someone that was getting asked multiple times a shift if I was on gear by week 6 (mind you I had no AI at this point so a lot of it was shear bloat lol). Now im too much of a pussy to get back on test because of my hair. I think in another 5 years if my recession has been minimal I will strongly consider it because by that age I will have enough for transplants.


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Bad thing is,that i cant predict how further will my baldness going? Will i reach norwood 7,lately? Hope not because no one in my family ever been nw7.Well i take sertraline pills so i cant mess with propecia right now,this two things should f*****, me up very badly.


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You almost certainly have future hairloss and potentially lose all of it so a hair transplant is a stupid idea without finasteride. I can almost guarantee you will become a full on nw6.

You were scared by horror stories instead of listening to reason and actual studies. You've paid the price, your hair is fucked.

Lol at finasteride hurting your gains at the gym. I'm on dutasteride and I'm nearly overweight purely by BMI yet I have abs


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i wasnt know for propecia until last year,when i go to dermatologist.I saw guys with nw6 that had great results with hair transplants but,they had 2 sessions or more and use only rogaine.Dermatologist told me that no one of his patient had bad side effects,but what if that was a lie? maybe i will be first person with horrible sides.And yes i have testosterone levels in low ranges,so thats another risk,if taking this medication?