What is stopping RU58841 from becoming availible to the public?


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It clearly is superior to current treatments and yet I haven't seen companies with selling intentions. Could someone please shed some light?


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Because it clearly isn't superior. I am not doubting it works for some, but does it work for a higher percentage of guys than finasteride? Are the incidents of sides less than finasteride? Is it safer than finasteride? I have yet to read any factual data that states any of this. I would say it is clearly superior only in its' perception online. Many believe just because random internet posters say it is better, safer, with less incidents of sides, that it actually is. I don't think any of it has actually been proven. If it has, please provide the info so we can read up on it.


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It clearly is superior to current treatments and yet I haven't seen companies with selling intentions. Could someone please shed some light?

Well, a very good question indeed. I was wondering that myself, I tried purchasing it but I had a very terrible experience trying to purchase it, an amount was frozen from my account and after almost a month, the purchase has failed. The company itself seemed shady, I emailed them and they never responded.

I just gave up on the idea of using RU because it's not being distributed properly.

Those who live in the west and Europe are lucky, I mean over here I can't even find dutasteride.


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Because when you've got a proven, effective oral treatment like Finasteride which has jumped through the extensive FDA/human trials and been around for 20+ years, there is very little business sense or viability for something like RU58841. Not even proven safe for use in humans I don't think, people reporting androgenic sides which could lead to god knows what in years to come. Plus it's an unstable compound from what I gather, can't just be sold on the shelf like Rogaine. And the efficacy is questionable too, many people seem to report cycles of shedding, reduced efficacy over time etc

Let's just hope they can make a stable vehicle for CB, we may see that on the shelf in the next 5 years hopefully.


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how many ****ing times do we need to go over this!

1. it's not commercially viable. finasteride exists and RU isn't substiantially different from finasteride.

2. it's teratogenic topical which makes it risky. finasteride is in a pill which makes its teratogenicity less an issue.

3. hair was just not part of the commercial interests of the company that ultimately shelved RU

RU at this stage is only used as a comparison chemical in research involving antiandrogenic drugs.


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how many ****ing times do we need to go over this!

1. it's not commercially viable. finasteride exists and RU isn't substiantially different from finasteride.

2. it's teratogenic topical which makes it risky. finasteride is in a pill which makes its teratogenicity less an issue.

3. hair was just not part of the commercial interests of the company that ultimately shelved RU

RU at this stage is only used as a comparison chemical in research involving antiandrogenic drugs.

How on earth can you claim that finasteride being in a pill somehow makes teratogenicity less of an issue?

"PROPECIA is not indicated for use in women. Women should not handle crushed or broken PROPECIA tablets when they are pregnant or may potentially be pregnant because of the possibility of absorption of finasteride and the subsequent potential risk to a male fetus. "


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How on earth can you claim that finasteride being in a pill somehow makes teratogenicity less of an issue? "PROPECIA is not indicated for use in women. Women should not handle crushed or broken PROPECIA tablets when they are pregnant or may potentially be pregnant because of the possibility of absorption of finasteride and the subsequent potential risk to a male fetus. "
By being a broscientist, thats why. Fact 1: RU cannot be used for life, it's adaptive. Fact 2: finasteride gets rid of most of the most potent male hormone, it's not a real solution (but I take it because I would rather be dead than bald). There is NO real cure for hairloss and nothing new on the horizon. It's a depressing reality we live in.


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RU Myristate

I've heard of RU myristate having a better effect than RU with no sides, is there any truth to this?


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By being a broscientist, thats why. Fact 1: RU cannot be used for life, it's adaptive. Fact 2: finasteride gets rid of most of the most potent male hormone, it's not a real solution (but I take it because I would rather be dead than bald). There is NO real cure for hairloss and nothing new on the horizon. It's a depressing reality we live in.

Oh please stop already!
You obviously don't know what you are talking about.


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Isn't the hope behind Androgen Receptor antagonists that they could potentially damage the ARs in the scalp so that your hair would have permanent immunity against DHT?


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Isn't the hope behind Androgen Receptor antagonists that they could potentially damage the ARs in the scalp so that your hair would have permanent immunity against DHT?

No, but in theory if you could reverse the conditions of the scalp for a long period of time you would potentially not only have regrowth but wouldnt need to have as aggressive drug regimes to halt hair loss

as the opposite is what happens when you are balding for a very long time without intervention: the conditions of the scalp change to accommodate its new environment and makes regrowth an uphill battle. This is likely why people who intervene early often recover all of their hair, while people who wait for years get little to no regrowth.

Jim lahey

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Because it clearly isn't superior. I am not doubting it works for some, but does it work for a higher percentage of guys than finasteride? Are the incidents of sides less than finasteride? Is it safer than finasteride? I have yet to read any factual data that states any of this. I would say it is clearly superior only in its' perception online. Many believe just because random internet posters say it is better, safer, with less incidents of sides, that it actually is. I don't think any of it has actually been proven. If it has, please provide the info so we can read up on it.
Thank you.