What is Taking Follica So Long? Havent they been phase 3 ready for a while now?


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Hello, I recognize that optimal microneedling and minoxidil are probably the foundation of the follica puretech protocol...and unfortunately I cant tolerate minoxidil... With that being said, what is taking them so long? Have they started phase 3? On their websites they say phase 3 ready but no word on beginning the trial. Even though I probably wont be able to use their protocal due to minoxidil, I am still interested in updates.


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Hello, I recognize that optimal microneedling and minoxidil are probably the foundation of the follica puretech protocol...and unfortunately I cant tolerate minoxidil... With that being said, what is taking them so long? Have they started phase 3? On their websites they say phase 3 ready but no word on beginning the trial. Even though I probably wont be able to use their protocal due to minoxidil, I am still interested in updates.
Why can't you tolerate minoxidil? Perhaps follica will require a lot less minoxidil than traditional topical/oral minoxidil?


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There's an optimal time window that they're probably searching for a long time now, duration and frequency of microneedling and size of the needles. Hair takes up to 6 months to see results so there's probably a lot of trial and error going on still.


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It won't work anyway - hate to be a downer but its true

Well if one receives some benefit from the protocol it will be from minoxidil and minoxidil alone

Its really disappinting that its literally minoxidil and needling, they are bringing nothing new to the table. Needling alone doesn't do jack!
The theory of needling makes a lot of sense though. And I’m not just talking about better absorption for minoxidil. Breaking up scar tissue to uncover hair follicles makes a lot of sense


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They already figured all that out in preclinicals and phase II. They presented a specific plan to the FDA and it was approved months ago, they can't deviate from that. The only thing to do is sign people up and get it started, but some of the trial locations are in lockdown states.
How do you know the trial locations?


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Why can't you tolerate minoxidil? Perhaps follica will require a lot less minoxidil than traditional topical/oral minoxidil?
I legit cant tolerate minoxidil. My BP decreases even on super low 2% version. I also get bubbles in my mouth where I needed oral surgery. The oral surgeon said my saliva glands were getting blocked from the bubbles. I know it was from the minoxidil because I never had that problem until I went on minoxidil...so I quit minoxidil and years later I tried it again, and guees what happened again? Guees I'm not meant to have hair.


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I cant tolerate minoxidil either. This product can be tolerated by some people but I believe this is still a poison for human body. Even cats can die if you apply minoxidil on them...


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Dermabrasion is known to create all-new terminal hairs on live humans. I'm not talking about a theory, or a mouse result, or useless little vellus hairs. It's known by science to create real thick dark hairs on real people. It's been observed for decades.

Follica's science is attempting to harness that. There is 100% valid reason to believe it may do more than just aid Minoxidil absorption. It's not a crazy delusional thing to hope for.


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I truly believe in this. We have seen sooooooo many successful cases and studies which, unlike other studies and products, is not only paperworks or working on mices or snake oil. The question is how many terminal hairs it can regrow. I think it's close to a cure and Follica is definitely the treatment we should be most looking forward to.


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phase3 doesnt have a term, covid didnt help, hopefully we're seeing it in a few months.

trial results are much better than minoxidil and finasteride combined, to this day.
one thing im quite sure, we cant reproduce their parameters with an amazon device.


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phase3 doesnt have a term, covid didnt help, hopefully we're seeing it in a few months.

trial results are much better than minoxidil and finasteride combined, to this day.
one thing im quite sure, we cant reproduce their parameters with an amazon device.
Sure, and we have already seen many amazing results. Imagine we have the official optimized treatment.


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So what is everyone's guees as to why they are having another delay? Covid? If so, that's weak. Doctors are still accepting patients. Car dealerships are still negotiating prices etc.


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So what is everyone's guees as to why they are having another delay? Covid? If so, that's weak. Doctors are still accepting patients. Car dealerships are still negotiating prices etc.
The reason is new hair loss treatments being delayed and never released are a constant of the universe, like the speed of light. We are stuck in an infinite loop forever
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The reason is new hair loss treatments being delayed and never released are a constant of the universe, like the speed of light. We are stuck in an infinite loop forever
But you are still here, same as Jan, I know you have hope as much as us. Be honest to yourself.


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phase3 doesnt have a term, covid didnt help, hopefully we're seeing it in a few months.

trial results are much better than minoxidil and finasteride combined, to this day.
one thing im quite sure, we cant reproduce their parameters with an amazon device.
I 100% agree with this.

My observation here is that SOME people get lucky and have great results with Amazon device and D2 but I don’t think we’ll ALL get results until their specific product comes to market.

My understanding is that biologically humans all the same in terms of how we heal so I’m confident this will work.

If you don’t believe needling works because you’ve been using a D2 or Amazon device your opinion doesn’t matter beyond your own experience because you haven’t yet tried the real deal.


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Can’t a mechanical engineer re build their tool?


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But you are still here, same as Jan, I know you have hope as much as us. Be honest to yourself.
Man I lost a TON of hope this year. I come here now mostly to understand what's really going on, digg new information, get some clarity and expose the things I think deserve to be exposed. I've been researching about hair transplants a lot too lately.


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I also rely on the information from this forum, but you can visit as well in 5 years we will be at the same point as today

At same point wouldn't be the worst scenario. It's totally possible that in 5 years things will be WORSE than they are today.

Look at this post from 2015 where the user reasons why things were worse than they were in 2010!

To be honest, if it wasn't for Stemson we would be behind 2016 today.

News since 2010 ? (Hair Multiplication & Stem Cells Treatment)​

posted by cal, 25.02.2015, 13:33

IMO the current state of the HM race is worse than 5 years ago if anything.

In 2010 Aderans was still moving forward. They were the biggest player for the last decade. They're totally dead now. $150 million down the drain.

Follica isn't technically dead but we have lost most of the initial big hopes it generated. Dr. Cotsarelis is not a total freud in the research sense, but when it comes to near-term claims & leaking info he has basically proven to be full of crap. I wouldn't trust his word about his progress either way.

Replicel & Histogen are still around and they rank as the frontrunners in the minds of some. Those of us with longer memories recall when these were the second-rate outfits that we didn't hang a ton of hopes on. IMO their prospects haven't really improved so much as the better competition is just gone.

Dr. Gho continues his long crusade to sell commercial HM. But he is no closer to proving it on real live patients than he was 15 years ago. Every few years another batch of noobs fall for him again.

The only bright spot is the long term work on an unlimited supply of new follicles. Prospects for that still look good. We have seen some encouraging progress there in the last couple years. But it's not even in human trials yet so that is still probably 10-15 years away from the market at best.


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